Episode 163: Past Love Drama?!

Start from the beginning

Everyone: WHAT?!

Esdeath: After seeing him die, I gave up and started to cry... Then, just to add insult to injury, that man mocked me and said this...

Kazuya: Hmph. All that power yet so sensitive about love. You're not even worth my time.

Esdeath: Then he gave me an evil grin and flew away...

Haruka: That's terrible!

Esdeath: Ever since that awful incident, I fell into a deep depression, never to find a man that could equal Tatsumi ever again. That is, until I heard about you, Durand.

Me: Really?

Esdeath: Yes. I first heard about you from word on the street when your show was starting to gain lots of popularity during Season 2. At first, I didn't care that much about you, but then I heard about how much of renowned heroes you and your friends had become, and that you were the ones who killed the bastard that killed my one true love...

Nozomi: Yep, it was Kazuya. What more evidence do we need?

Me: So that's when you fell for me. Why though?

Esdeath: You just had the same charm Tatsumi had that made me love you. Serious and Heroic, but also Kind and Lovable. Then it was settled, I would make you my husband and regain my happiness! But then YOU had to come around and ruin it, Maya! Now no one's gonna love me again...

Maya: Oh, I'm sorry... Well, don't feel bad! I'm sure one day you'll find your ideal man, Esdeath! Just... make sure you don't act all... crazy when you do.

Esdeath: I don't want to be told that by you...

Kim: Well aren't you jealous!

FSW: Yeesh, I didn't your whole backstory, I simple "Tatsumi died so I went to find a new man" would've been nice.

Esdeath: Hmph. You don't even know what it's like to fall in love!

FSW: Uh huh. Whatever. Anyways, for my next question, Schnitzel, how would you feel if Patrick was stronger than you?

Schnitzel: Radda Radda?! Radda Radda Radda Radda!!

Chowder: He said, "Patrick, stronger than ME?! That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard!"

Regina: I couldn't agree more, Schnitzel!

FSW: Looks like someone cares about their ego. Anyways, for my next question, has anyone heard about this YouTube animator called Tabbes? She acts a lot like Mandy.

Me: Actually no. Let me watch one of her videos...

*after watching the video*

Me: My god. She really IS Mandy!

FSW: Told you. Anyways, for my last question, Sheen and Pip, did you know you guys have the same VA, Jeffrey Garcia?

Sheen: We do?!

Pip: Now that I think about it, we DO sound pretty familiar!

FSW: Of course you do! Now then, for my first dare, Patrick, I dare you to show everyone Pat Back!

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