Summon eurasia Fall of paplida the finale

Start from the beginning

"We did get some good news about that."

After he heard the report, Rial began to feel excited. The other day, a strong magical communication was sent out from the direction of Rodenius. If a typical country intercepted the message, they wouldn't have any idea what it meant. However, for someone from Altarus, it made perfect sense.

"Morning will come after a long night.
The sun shall once again rise from the east.
The longer you have suffered, the brighter the sun will shine.
Good fortunes on the day of Tas."

At first glance, it seemed like a poem. But for Altarans, the first part was taken from a piece called 'The Miraculous Victory,' a historical battle in the Kingdom of Altarus where they had been rescued from an invading army by a hero from another country. Then the last line, 'Good fortunes on the day of Tas,' was code for 'in one week'!!!

"Inform all the squads, make sure they're prepared to fight a week from now!"

"Yes sir!!!"

The operator holed up in the comms room and began sending encrypted magical communications to all the anti-empire organizations scattered throughout Altarus.

One week later, Kingdom of Altarus, royal capital Le Brias, northeastern skies

Dragon knight Abbis, one of the soldiers dispatched to the Kingdom of Altarus from the Papaldia Empire, was currently patrolling the northeast region. He rode his favorite wyvern lord through the clear, cloudless skies in the chilly wind. The island nation of Altarus had been quickly subjugated by the empire, and there were no longer any public disturbances. The empire was located about 500 km north, there were various barbarian countries across the sea to the south, and east-southeast was Rodenius, where there were no longer any hegemonic countries like the former-Kingdom of Rowlia.

In the ocean northeast of Altarus, there were five ships-of-the-line, 30-gun ships and 50-gun ships. The Papaldia Empire was always at war with other countries, so the military's actions didn't differ a lot between routine activities and emergencies. Currently, they were at war with the Kingdom of Fenn and the country of Japan, but that had nothing to do with Altarus, so today's patrol would just wrap up the way it always did.

At least, that was what Abbis believed.

Through a gap in the clouds, he noticed something he had never seen before. Diving down to get a closer look, his entire field of vision was filled with a fleet of gray-painted ships that were far larger than the empire's ships-of-the-line.

"It-It can't be!"

He took out his magical communicator, intending to report this in.


A light flashed on the front of one of the ships. An instant later, dragon knight Abbis's consciousness faded away, his report to the Papaldia Empire's Altarus forces left unsaid.

After confirming that the wyvern belonged to the Papaldia Empire, the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force's second escort flotilla guided-missile destroyer Kirishima fired its 127mm single-mounted rapid-fire gun, shooting down the wyvern lord. The impact turned the wyvern and its rider into scattered lumps of meat that fell out of the sky. Dragon knight Abbis was the first casualty of what would later be known as the Battle of Altarus.

Papaldia's five ships-of-the-line were patrolling the nearby waters. Captain Daaz was looking at the communicator. The dragon knight on patrol had been about to say something before the connection got cut off. His signal on the magic detector had also disappeared. Because the knight's last-known position was very close to where they were now, Daaz became very nervous.

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