LAW Update. Ectsasy & agony 2

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Sophie could see his mind working overtime; his brows were furrowed deep and he was barely blinking while occasionally he'd rub the back of his neck or scratch his stubbled chin. "I'm sure everything will work out, Chloe's in the best possible place and I'll do whatever I can to help and take the load off you both."

"Thanks." The word came out almost robotically, he hadn't meant it to but until he was at his wife's side and until those babies had safely arrived, he wouldn't be able to relax.


Laying in bed, attached to monitors, Chloe was counting down the minutes until she'd see Seb. She went from staring at the clock on the wall to staring at the door, desperate to see him walk in. Surely he should be here by now, she hoped that Sophie would bring Luis in to say goodnight before she took him home. Feeling the familiar tightening sensation she braced herself for another contraction, they were only ten minutes apart now and getting stronger. She was sure that she was going to be in for a long, agonising night.

Minutes later Seb stopped briefly at the door, having run all the way in from the car park. For a moment he smiled; not only was he relieved to have made it in time to see their babies come into the world, he'd also just realised that Chloe was in the same room that she'd been in less than a year ago for Luis's birth. That had to be a good omen. He pushed the door open quietly, not wanting to barge in and startle her if she was sleeping. She was looking expectantly in his direction.

The relief she felt at seeing him walk through the door opened the floodgates and she burst into tears, holding her arms limply open to him. "Seb!"

"Liebe!" He strode quickly over to her and perched on the edge of the bed to take her in his arms. He didn't think he'd ever felt her hold him so tight as she buried her face against his shoulder. "I'm here liebe, I'm here."

"I'm so fucking relieved that you're here! I'm so scared!"

"Everything will work out, the babies will be fine." He cooed, stroking her long hair.

"But what if they're not? They're too early Seb!" She lifted her head to look at him as her outburst of tears started to calm down.

"I think we both know that they'll need a little help to get themselves started in life, they'll probably have to spend a few weeks here after they're born but they'll already be well developed. They'll be a little small but they'll be fine, I'm sure of it. What they need now is for you to keep calm, I'm here now and I won't be going anywhere."

She nodded her head as he kissed her forehead and then leant back to start wiping her tears away with his hands. Seb being here was already starting to have a calming effect on her and she knew that he wouldn't have to go anywhere for at least a week; maybe Lawrence and Otmar would let him fly out to France at the last possible moment, that way he'd have a good ten days or more.

Sophie tapped quietly on the door and walked in carrying Luis. His little arms were immediately outstretched in Seb's direction the second he saw his daddy.

Seb could tell that Luis was probably wondering what was going on by the frown that adorned his little face. As he got up from the bed and took Luis into his arms the nearly eleven month old then looked towards his mother, still frowning. "Mummy's going to be okay." He murmured, nuzzling his nose against Luis's cheek and then kissing him there. "Your brother and sister will be here soon, they couldn't wait any longer to meet you."

Chloe settled back in the bed, smiling tearfully as she watched her gorgeous husband with their son. She'd never be able to get enough of watching him interacting with Luis, Mia and Leonie. He was such a natural, gifted father. "I think I probably worried him earlier with everything that went on." She admitted, meeting a pair of blue eyes that were identical to his father's.

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