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"Come'on Dhruv! What's taking you long?" Ahana screamed and continuously knocked on the door.

"Fucking wait for 2 minutes!" He screamed back.

It was 10 am.

Ahana is an early chick. She gets up even before the sun. But don't doubt this girl. She can even beat the record of sleeping continuously 16 hours.

She was naked under the bed sheet when she started waking Dhruv.

Our, Mr. Khajoor is just like us. Ultra legend. Even if the city is flooded, he'll finish his sleep first and then run for his life no matter what!

"Dhruv! Fast. Please!" She banged the door again.

Dhruv frustratedly opened the door.

"Can't you wait more?" He spoke.

Before, Ahana could protest back, she started laughing hard.

Clutching her stomach, she just kept on laughing. Dhruv frowned looking at her. He didn't understand why she was laughing all of a sudden.

This laughing idiot kept on laughing till water started forming in her eyes.

"You... You don't know how to... How to wear a denim jacket?" She laughed more than before.

Dhruv realised that due to her constant banging on door, he buttoned the jacket wrongly.

He immediately opened the buttons and left the jacket open.

"You were constantly banging at the door so I immediately buttoned them wrong." He said scratching the back of his neck.

Ahana was still not stopping. After a moment, Dhruv joined her too. Even he started laughing at his own stupidity.

"Why aren't you ready?" He asked looking at her. She was casually dressed.

She was in a casual dress, high wedges and open hair with zero makeup.

"I can't do anything because of this broken arm. I don't know why I am even carrying it when it's completely useless.

I can't put makeup with my left hand nor can wear sleeveless because it'll show my wound.

Somehow I managed to get that irritating belt off." Ahana said sadly.

She'll definitely cry if anyone again asks about her condition. She can tolerate anything in her life but feeling herself useless is just not acceptable to her.

"You are still pretty!" Dhruv cupped her face.

"I know!" She replied and kissed his palm.

He smiled at her actions.

"Shall we leave?" She asked after a nice moment of silence.

"But where? You have still not told me the place where we are about to go? I never had such surprises in my life. Every birthday I used to just spend cash and enjoy in club or rent a hotel to celebrate it grandly.

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