Words Won't Dare Come Out - Part 4

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This chapter shows a SASSY Peter, so watch out!
(Skip, it's the end of school)

"Hey PARKER!" Flash yelled coming along with his gang, Peter cursed underneath his breath, while standing there with MJ & Ned.

"Thought you took a sick day and here comes today
to find out you've been hanging out with these two losers?" Flash said crossing his arms obviously not liking it.

"Fix your behavior Flash! These two who you called as if they're losers are my best friends!" Peter shouted almost throwing hands.

"Just like that? Within an eye blink getting back to your besties? How funny!"

"It doesn't take too long to accept apology from close people who knows you well, Eugene!" Peter shouted when Ned pulled him back and MJ just let out an evil proud smile.

"Parker you'll wish that you never left us!" Flash said confidently. "Oh yeah? until that day comes when I misses you MORE THAN MY AUNT!" Ned let an "o" face, MJ freezes most likely her heart dropped.

"Your aunt?- oh wait she's deaddd!" That's when Flash knew he. fucked. up!


(Skip, at the nursing room)
There was Peter with bruises and cuts sitting there in between Tony and Nat, they're still looking at Peter who has a serious face glancing at Flash, who has a punched purple eye with broken finger ... Oh damn Parker

That's when the principal showed up along with Flash's father shouting, when Flash dramatic scene has begin.

'Oh god as much as I hate this!' Peter thought shutting his eyes in annoyance and taking a deep breath.

He started fake crying obviously, he does this whenever Peter and him been sent to the office after an argument, and he always freaking wins! Guess then Parker has no feelings to act? Oh no I'm sure he's more mature ladies and gentlemen.

"Mr Parker you gonna explain this?" The principal said when Flash's dad begins shouting at Peter, and not letting him speak.

Peter's grip slowly became tighter on Tony's
T-shirt in the back, reminding him of bad memories
of his Uncle, when he used to yell at him and he'd grab tightly on May's shirt, and Tony heard that story before, so he couldn't let this happen and NOT FROM THE FATHER'S BULLY!

that's when Tony stood up and said in sharp tone "You don't have any rights to yell at MY KID!" While pointing finger towards him. (Yah that meme Ik)

"I'm sorry Mr Stark, Mr  Thompson can you please be quiet? We're trying to understand the problem in here" the principal said, when it became the time for Peter to speak up.

"I'm sorry Mr Thompson that the school had to take your time and brought you here today, I didn't mean to go that far. I was just trying to stop him from acrossing my line but he did what he have done and got his punishment" Peter said calmly.

Now you can feel Tony and Nat smiles growing up on their faces, they just shared a proud parents look, looking at their baby avenger standing up for hisself, like he always do in missions, it just makes the day 10 extra better.

Nat pulled Peter in small hug, just to remind him that he's been doing good so far, I mean as least he didn't disrespect the principal unlike Flash, when they both got pulled to the office.

"He didn't apologize to me!" Flash said in pathetic way looking at his father, "your waiting for your father to beg me to apologize to you? It's never happening you owe me apology!" Peter stood up, Tony hold his arm.

"It's alright Peter, these are the kind of people who deny everything good you've been done to them!" Stark said trying to calm his son down.

What Tony meant by 'everything kind you've done to them' is letting them absorb your energy for a little hope that person changes into better.

"excuse me? Your aggressive son broke my kid's fingers! I suggest you to rebuild your son's behavior!" Flash dad yelled.

Tony stood up and stepped closely, looking dead directly in the eye. "You say ONE more word about my son, I'll make sure your funeral set up today!" Nat smiled from behind, her knife were ready though.

"Wow wow gentleman! Calm down" the principal said feeling deeply terrified by Stark's last words, when he pulled them away from each other's.

Tony pulled Peter close to him and grabbed him by arm, and before leaving he said :
"By the way my son had apologized to YOU! For your own respect while obviously leaving us to know who's kid is more disrespectful!" Then they left, and heard Flash's father shouting from there.

"Too coward to even say these words in front of you" Nat said smiling at Tony, when he smiled back and said "I bet!"

"Mr Stark you really showed him a lesson, that he'll never forget!" Peter said feeling proud. "You know kid this world is huge and there's a lot of son of bitches" Nat eyes widen to Tony cursing.

"Come on I'm speakin facts in here!" Stark said when Peter chuckled. "And by the way what have you done there spidey was not totally okay" Nat said.

"I know I shouldn't of twisted his fingers, maybe instead should've gone for the arm" Peter said playfully, Tony and Nat shared an 'o' look, "Peter promise me you won't do that!" Nat said when Peter started laughing "obviously not! Мама паук (Mama-Spider)"

"I'll probably go apologize to him tomorrow" Pete added. "and if he doesn't accept it, just don't hesitate to break another, my son"

"Tony!" Nat yelled, when Stark left a "what" face, "I'll make sure to write that down fatha!" Peter said playfully when Nat rolled her eyes and said "ugh another tiny version of Stark!"

And the end :)
I think I like sassy Pete ngl.

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