Papalida arc part 3 summon eurasia part 7

Start from the beginning

When the Sword King Shihan rejected Papaldia's demand to cede land to them, they were all sure that Fenn would be razed to the ground. However, now that they learned of Fenn's new allies, they could understand why he had done that.

After what would later be known as the Naval Battle of Fenn, Japan and many Eurasian countries would quickly establish diplomatic relations with numerous countries.

Papaldia Empire, 3rd foreign affairs department

Department head Kyeos was so furious after reading the report that it seemed probable for blood to start spurting from his head any moment. This was all because Fenn refused the empire's generous offer to receive their land as tribute. They even rejected the offer to lease the land for 498 years, an arrangement with significant benefits to both sides.

"You'll regret insulting the empire, Fenn..."

This became the mantra of the 3rd foreign affairs department. The Papaldia Empire held dominance over five countries within the civilized areas and 67 outside of them, countries both large and small. For such a grand empire to be mocked by some barbarian country was not something they could forgive. It would be a problem if the manacles of fear were to come undone. That being the case, the 3rd foreign affairs department had deployed the 22 ships of the imperial oversight army's fleet, along with two squadrons of wyvern lords.

The wyvern lords were to terrorize the Military Festival and plant fear into the military officials attending from other countries. The fleet was to mercilessly attack the capital city of Fenn, Amanoki, and burn it to cinders, thus demonstrating to all the other barbarian countries the cost of defying Papaldia. However, the actual result was pathetic.

The wyvern lords, sent to attack by air, went missing, their communications abruptly cut. No one knew what happened to them, but they were probably all dead. They initially conjectured that Gahara's wind dragon riders came to Fenn's aid. However, while wind dragons were powerful, their numbers were also few, so it was improbable for them to be able to overwhelm a squadron of wyvern lords to the point that they couldn't communicate anything back to command.

Shortly after that, information came in that they had encountered the Fenn palace navy and unilaterally annihilated them! Their fleet suffered no damage. As expected, this was the obvious result of clashing with barbarians. The real problem came with the next report.

"Imperial oversight army, eastern fleet – defeated."

This news caused the department to erupt into chaos. Furthermore, the admiral must have gone insane, since his report stated that they only faced a single enemy ship. This was the admiral's report:

Encountered a colossal gray enemy ship
Fired on enemy with magic cannons, enemy retreated outside our range very quickly
From 3.5 km, enemy ship fired warning shots at formation, enemy's range and firepower far surpasses fleet's range
Enemy's speed eclipsed fleet's speed, could not get within firing range
Enemy warship retreated and enemy reinforcement of a larger colossal enemy ship
Enemy warship obliterated 20 out of 21 warship in  a span of 30 minutes.
Up until this point, he could already hardly believe the report.

First, the part about how 2 of these ship was both larger than the empire's ships, but also faster. Obviously, the bigger the ship, the more water resistance they had to overcome. The Tears of the Wind God used in the empire were, to be honest, the best in the world; aside from possibly the Holy Mirishial Empire, no one else was capable of crafting Tears as potent as Papaldia's. Not only did Papaldia have access to mines of magic gems of the highest purity, they also had the best refineries. In other words, it was unimaginable for a giant ship to be faster.

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