Chapter 12 | Motherly love

Start from the beginning

Her eyes shows nothing near rage or anger or disappointment.

But how? Shouldn't she be throwing things at me? What is happening?

I quickly balance me self with my palms on the bed so I don't fall on her when she pulls me carelessly into a tight hug confusing the hell out of me.

Her hand caressing my hair gently but she soon pulls away and pecks my forehead in a motherly way. My heart warming at the sight of her being so lovely even after me acting like a useless kid.

No words coming out of my mouth as I stare at her bewildered "Um is this some kind of before care?" I gulp but question her what is in my mind. "Huh?" she raise her eyebrows looking confused "yeah I know your gonna beat the hell out of me so maybe your showering me with kisses before showering me with punches" I shrug but peek at the women who chuckles and shakes her head.

She playfully slaps my cheek still giggling, I seriously don't understand anything not even a single thing, why is she reacting like this? What is wrong with her?!

"You are not mad at me?" I do not stop myself from questioning her but to my greatest and greatest surprise I see her her shaking her with a soft smile playing on her lips. "I am glad and happy" Huh?

Confused is an understatement. I don't know what is happening around me but one thing is for sure when she opens her mouth she is not gonna tell me something I will be pleased about.

"I am happy because you said me the truth, I thought you kids will hide it forever. But I am glad you choosed to stop this lying game and now I don't want you to lie but act real" I choke on my saliva hearing her. What the holy hell?

"Huh? knew? " my eyes wide open and my mouth is hanging ajar at this new information. She nods but sighs before continuing "I knew everything before but I acted along because I wanted this to happen" I raise my eyebrow all confused by her statement.

"What do you mean?" I question her but see her pressing her lips together into a thin line but soon she grabs my hands into her's "You know what I mean" the look she is giving me melts my heart but I act dumb not wanting to accept what she is trying to say.

"I want you to marry Inaya" she let's out the words that I don't want to accept nor hear. This is not what I came here for, I came here to solve the shit I spread. But I can see myself drowning into another one.

Allah am I really that bad, why don't things happen as I think they will?

I bite my lips still not believing what she is saying but I voice out my thoughts when I see genuiness in her eyes "Aunty are you serious? Why are you asking me to marry her like when you know me more than anyone else you know how dumb and irresponsible I am. There are so many men's out there who are successful and would take a good care of her like she should be. I-I myself is a kid and I am not good for her she needs someone who is like her, she is intelligent, smart and--and I don't know what to say, I thought you were being forced to give your daughter to someone like me" I don't know what to say I am just in a state of shock and I am blabbering alot, but whatever I am saying about Myself is all true, Insecurity takes the best of me and I continue.

"Aunty please don't make decision just like that, I know what your saying is just because we were engaged in front of everyone. I don't want you to regret late--" a gasp leaves my mouth when she slaps me hard across my face, I blink to process what just happened but gets another slap but this time a gentle one.

"Are you even listening to what you're saying? How dare you talk about my child like that?" her glare filled with rage as I repeat all the things I said in my mind again, what did I say about her child? I don't remember insulting any of her child.

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