I Pass Out When Faced With Destiny

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Do you ever wonder what it's like to be faced with destiny? Let me tell you, it's not fun. In fact, it's the opposite of fun. It's torture.

We had just gotten in the jail and Kallie was laying there screaming for help. My first defense was to go help her but I knew that was a death wish. I stood my ground. I talked to her from afar.

"Who's there?" Kallie asked.

"It's Piloma Davinsky," I said. "I've come to help you!"

Kallie looked up from her death bed, or as much as she could. "Piloma? I knew you'd come!"

Just then I looked at Kayla and she shook as her eyes were glowing.

"Kayla!" I scream whispered. I tried shaking her out of it but it was no use. "Hello? Bad time to be in a vision right now."

After a couple seconds, she snapped out of it. She had a worried look on her face. I could tell it was because I was in her vision. That isn't good. I could assume I was probably going to die today. I couldn't let that happen. For Kayla's sake and mine. I will see my family again.

"Just stay put, Kallie! I'm going to get you out of here." I said.

"Um, no you won't." Said a voice from the darkness. When they came I recognized the long black hair and army uniform. It was Monada.

"You," I said as I glared at her. "Let Kallie go! She doesn't deserve this!"

"Uh, no. You see I need Kallie. She is the key to my mother's invention." Monada said as she ran her hand down the wood of the machine. It made me sick to my stomach.

"So you'll destroy the world? What for? Revenge? Equality? It'll all be gone in a second after you destroy the dimensions." I explained.

"YOUR KIND KILLED MY MOTHER!" Monada bellowed throughout the jail. It echoed and it was really creepy that it did. "Now I will be a legend for killing the great dimension traveler FOREVER!"

"You won't just be killing me," I began. "You'll be killing the world. Is that what you really want?"

She was kind of hesitant to answer. "Yes, indeed it is, sweetheart." When she called me sweetheart is sent a chill down my back. Dearie was bad enough but now sweetheart? No, not cool.

"You don't. You just want revenge." I said simply.


"Then do it! I bet you won't. You're too weak and too scared." I said, bluffing. In all realness, I was the one that was too scared but I couldn't let that show. I had to destroy Monada.

Monada seemed to give off a growl-like noise. She pushed a button on the machine and Kallie got electrocuted. I could feel the power of the world lessening. It was still powerful but just a little of it was killed. I could feel it in my gut.

"NO!" I screamed. I brought all my energy into sonic waves and screamed, bringing my hands up, sending sonic waves at Monada and she fell down.

Just then, Bella showed up.

"Now?" She asked.

I nodded. "Now!"

"Fireball! And tell Ponyth to send an ice ball at the same time." Bella stated.

"Ponyth at the same time as I send a fireball at Monada you send an ice ball. It should cancel out her power." I said.

"You got it," Ponyth said with a smirk. Well, I think it was a smirk, I couldn't really see her face because of her hair. It was like almost all covering it. I could just barely see her mouth and some of her nose. It was kind of like long bangs.

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