Kayla Changes

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I didn't know what I expected. All I knew is I was sitting with Kayla in my arms as she was passed out. I didn't know what was happening or how I could fix it. I looked at Kayla's cut and it glowed bright green. I didn't understand it. This is awful. What am I supposed to do?

Was this my fault? Did I do something to deserve losing Kayla? No, I can't think like that. I need to stay positive. How else was she supposed to get better? Definitely not by me making a fool of myself.

After about 20 minutes of me questioning everything, Kayla woke up.

"Kayla, oh my God, are you okay?" I asked her.

She looked at me like I was a complete stranger. "What do you want?" she said with a rude tone.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"What do you want?" She repeated.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay."


"Because I care about you?"


"Why do you keep asking that?"

"Because I don't remember ever feeling anything for you." She said this was a really rude tone and I was starting to get confused.

"What?" I asked softly. "When we kissed, I thought..."

"You thought I actually cared?" She asked though I don't think it was really a question.

"Well, yeah," I replied.

"You thought wrong," she said, and right then my heart was breaking.

"Kayla, what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing's wrong," she said and when I looked in her eyes they weren't the same eyes I had seen before. There was a sense of evil in them. "The only thing wrong here is you."

I just stared at her. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This wasn't the Kayla I knew. It was a whole different person.

"Maybe we just weren't meant to be," I said, swallowing my pride.

"Obviously," she said and she ran out of the cabin, leaving me alone with nothing but my sadness.

After thinking for a few hours, yes it's possible to think for that long, I decided that that wasn't the Kayla I knew. It was like she completely changed. It went from 'I'm glad I have you' to 'the only thing wrong here is you'. It didn't add up. All of a sudden she completely changed. She changed into a whole different person. It didn't make any sense.

I tried to think more about what might have happened. Maybe there was something that had made her act that way. I had to figure it out before she hurts someone else.

Okay, think, what changed with Kayla? I asked myself. All I could think of was the scratch. The scratch that made Kayla faint and henceforth made her non-responsive. I tried to figure out what about the scratch could've changed her. Of course, the scratch. I thought to myself. The scratch must have been poison! That would somehow make Kayla act differently.

I had to figure out how to get Kayla cured and back to her old self. I looked around me. I saw the green liquid in the vials and I saw the pauliflower. I walked over to them.

"Couldn't hurt," I told myself. I took one of the vials and sealed it with a cork. I then took a couple petals off of the flower and put them in my hand. "Time to go get my Kayla back." And at that, I left to go get Kayla.

As I was walking I tried to remember the first time I had seen Kayla. God, she was gorgeous. She still is. I thought about all the times I had comforted her and she had comforted me. All the times that she believed in me. Now it was time for me to return the favor. I had to save her. There's no way I'm letting some poison get in between me and Kayla. I won't let her lose to the poison.

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