I Come Up With a Death Plan

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"No, Piloma, that's too dangerous!" Billy protested after I told them my plan.

"It'll be fine!" I said.

"You might but what about the rest of us?!" Billy protested again.

"We will all make it. Trust me. You have to trust me." I said.

"I won't trust you. Out of all your plans... this is the worst and most foolish!" he said.

"Once we do it, and we all come out alive, you'll believe me then."

"There's no saying that we will all make it!"

"We will."

"We won't," Billy said. "We will all die, along with all of the people in the jail. What happened to saving them, huh? Are you just throwing that all away?"

"Everything will be fine. This is well thought out."

"You're going to get killed. Just watch." Billy said and he marched out of the room and into the hall.

I noticed how quiet Kayla was being. "What do you think, Kay?" I asked her.

"I think it'll work." She admitted.

"You do?" Billy asked, coming back in.

"I do."

"See? It can work!" I said.

"You're all crazy!" Billy exclaimed, throwing his hands up in frustration.

"I agree with Piloma's plan," Ponyth said.

"See, Billy? It will work!" I said.

Billy got quiet for a second. "Piloma, I just don't want you hurt." He said as he grabbed my right hand.

I looked over at Kayla and she kind of looked uncomfortable, like Billy holding my hand made her upset. I chose to ignore it. If it bothered her, she would tell me.

"Everything's going to be fine, Billy," I said.

"I'm just scared for you."

"Don't be. Everything will work out in the end." I said, smiling.

I let the room be quiet for a while. I figured a moment of silence would do all of us some good. Dr. Ramos was at the desk in the hallway writing down notes. He was analyzing my stuff to make sure I was okay. My ankle was all healed thanks to the pauliflower and I was better than ever.

"Kayla, do you wanna go now?" I asked her.

"To the killadogs' headquarters?" she asked.


"Yeah, sure."

"Stella, heel!" I called to her.

ROOF! She said as she ran up to me. She was a big dog, I never really noticed it before.

"I need you to take us back, okay?" I asked.

ROOF! And I assumed that meant, Okay! Fun!

She turned around and I assumed that meant she wanted us to get on.

"We'll be back everyone," I said as I got on the back of Stella behind Kayla because like I said before she had no balance.

And at that Stella started to go to the killadog headquarters.

After about 30 minutes, I noticed Kayla hadn't said anything.

"Are you okay, Kay?" I asked her.

"Yeah, why?" She said quickly.

"You seemed kind of uncomfortable when Billy held my hand earlier."

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