My Dad's At Jail! Oh, Well.

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You could see why I was surprised but I wasn't that surprised. Like, first Bella drags me to this dimension and now my dad is here? Not surprising if you ask me. Mostly just relieved I know where he is. The fact that he landed in Billy's jail is what baffles me though. Like, why didn't he end up in Bella's dimension? One of the great mysteries of the world I guess.

"Hey, sweetheart. Where am I?" My dad asked.

I took a deep breath before I told my dad where he was. "Dad. This is the jail I was telling you about. Or this is one of them."

He just laughed. "Ah, I see. This is a setting in your book! Very clever, Pil."

Now I was just frustrated. "Dad, this is serious! A demon has taken you from wherever you were and placed you in this cell. You're trapped!"

"Pil, this is getting excessive." He said still laughing.

"Dad! Listen to me. You are trapped by demons and killadogs. Mom will probably be next. This isn't fun and games you could get seriously hurt." I explained.

"Pil, whatever you are doing isn't going to work. Demons don't exist." He said calmly. I don't know why he was calm. His life is in danger.

"This isn't my doing! It's Ponyth's! You have to listen to me! Your life is in danger." I exclaimed. I don't know why he wasn't listening to me. I had to show proof that magic existed.

"Honey, this is your illness. There are no demons or other dimensions. If there are where is your proof?" He asked.

"You want proof? Fine. I'll give you proof." I said and I turned toward the courtyard. I forced my energy out of my hands and into soundwaves as I screamed. A power surge ran through me as I screamed. After a few seconds, I stopped and almost fell if it wasn't for Billy.

"Woah, there. You okay, Piloma?" Billy asked as he caught me.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said a little woozy as I got up. "There! Did you see that? That was magic. My magic. I am NOT ill and this is NOT one of my games. This is REAL LIFE!" I told my father.

At first, it didn't look like he believed me but after a second he nodded his head. "Okay honey I believe you. What am I supposed to do to help?"

"Hopefully nothing," I said. "I just need you to stay safe and out of sight. Well, as out of sight as you can in a jail. Just stay hidden and stay out of trouble with Ponyth and that other demon. And when the killadogs come back, gods know they will, just stay quiet and don't let them know you are scared."

My dad nodded again. "Okay, sweetheart. Just don't get killed. I don't know what I'd do if you died."

I smiled. "I know, dad. I'm doing my best to survive."

"Good." He said.

"Hey, Piloma, we need to talk." Billy interrupted.

"Sure, what about?" I asked, turning to Billy.

"Uh, not here. Down in the courtyard." He said.

"Oh, right. Yeah, let's go. Bye, dad!" I said, waving to my dad.

"Bye, sweetheart." He said and he went to sit down on the disgusting jail floor.

Billy dragged me down the hallways and down the stairs and we rushed to the courtyard. Again, I would be looking into the cells, seeing how lifeless everyone looked and got kind of sad inside. I was determined to help these people get back to their families even if it meant I died.

Once we got to the courtyard, I noticed Billy glance up at the cell my dad was in. He looked sad and like he wanted to cry. Billy, I mean, not my dad. "Are you okay?" I asked him. I was genuinely asking. I didn't want Billy upset. He was like my big brother.

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