I Get Burned

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"What was your dream?" Billy asked.

"Kallie Brown," I said simply.

"Kallie was in your dream? What was she doing?" He asked.

"Getting tortured," I said.

"By who?"

"Ponyth. I don't know what Ponyth wants with Kallie but it can't be good." I said with a sad tone in my voice.

"Yeah, you're right. That doesn't sound good." Billy agreed. "What do you suppose we do?"

"Train. Train until we are strong enough to defeat Ponyth." I said.

Billy nodded. "Sounds like a plan. Come on, we better get back to the hospital." He said as he helped me up and we got ready to go back.

After a moment of me stumbling back to reality, Billy gave me a funny look.

"What?" I asked him.

"You don't look too good." He replied.

"I'm fine," I promised.

I brought up my arms and focused my being on the two energies that bound together making the portal. I focused on the one for Earth. I never quite noticed how amazingly powerful it was. It was almost overwhelming. It was like I had all of Mother Nature's power in me when I connected with that energy. Like I said, overwhelming. Then I focused on my energy. The energy that would make the portal real. It wasn't as overwhelming but still overwhelming because I was focusing all my being on all of my powers. It must have been a lot of powers because I almost fell over.

I focused on bringing the two energies together and forming the portal. I stumbled a little bit backward when I brought the two together. For some reason, it felt like the two were battling. That couldn't be good. I shook the dizziness away and focused. I brought the two energies together and focused on the light that formed. I allowed it to expand and grow. Eventually, it got to the point where there was a colorful swirling pool of energy. I slowly released myself from the energies, bringing my hands and arms down. I smiled at my creation.

That smile quickly faded when I almost fell over. Thankfully, Billy caught me.

"Alright, Piloma, let's get you back to the hospital." He said.

I stumbled and went through the portal and we were back at the hospital.

I looked around and noticed the black specs but everything seemed fuzzy. Like I wasn't really there. I was just kind of drifting off.

The first person I saw was Kayla, mainly because she tackled me in a hug. "Oh my God! You're okay!" She said while in the hug. Eventually, she pulled away. "I'm so sorry for making you mad. I don't like seeing you upset."

"It's okay. I didn't mean to get so angry. I just have to find a way to help those people. You guys couldn't possibly get it." I said as I got on the hospital bed. "At the end of the day, it's me and Ponyth. You guys aren't supposed to be involved. I know it's a long shot but I need to go back."

"No, Piloma. You don't get it. It's too dangerous. You could get seriously hurt." Billy explained.

I looked at the people around me. Kayla was the first person I looked at. She had fear in her eyes. As if I dying was the worst possible thing that could happen for her. As if I living was all she depended on. I mean I kind of get it. She's been here pretty much her whole life, if I die there's no telling if she will survive.

Then I saw Bella. She had nothing but sadness on her face. She looked sad and I think I understood why. She was sad because she didn't want to lose me. She has been counting on me coming here and saving everyone, her friends and family, so they could finally all go home. So, yeah, I understood.

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