"You need anything?"

He asked.

Jess said.

"Deep down I want Jug, it my first time fighting the damn tumor without him first one in so long-my first thought as I settled in, I was just expecting his cot. He literally defines the vows in sickness and in health. When I transfer onto the bed, it hit me that Jug and your mom aren't here this time to help me. Thank goodness for Jellybean and Veronica they kept me sane!"

Archie asked.

"When did it hit you?"

Jessica eyes were watering.

"As i got in bed anxious to sleep, my mind was like call momma, Jug and then you in that order. Veronica came in and see me scrolling down my contact and get to my name for your mom-my contact i listed her Godmommy 💜 just before I dialed it, the reality sank in. I was like why did she had to go? She always had been there for me with everything that I had gone through surgeries or the tumor and she always my person to call for anything as well as your daddy. I was like ok now I understand her when she got mad towards you when you did not realize that the room was indeed my mom's as she exclaimed I wish Emily was here for me as I'm going through this. I felt that emptiness for the first time in a long time once I realized that she and Jug aren't here-especially Jug. So I was like got to call Jughead and I was like scrolling through the contact again and then right before dialing, the reality sank in and I BROKE DOWN. Jellybean just hugged me as I sobbed fully understood your mom's words in wishing my mom was here to help her through it after all your mother did for my mom. Then I was scrolling to your number and I realized your schedule for today and I was like Instagram-he will be on his break and see this."

Archie cried as he listened to the conversation.

"Oh Jessica. I'm so sorry that it came back!"

Jessica said.

"It will be ok-I'm tough you know that."

Jess felt tired and Archie encourage her to rest.

"It ok don't worry about me."

Once he sees she was asleep, he asked a nurse for three cots one for him, Jellybean and Veronica as they vowed to be there for her.

At 2:00 am the nurse came to do their bloodwork round and Veronica gently went up and wake her as she sets up her cell to video her reaction.

"Jess, you have to wake up for bloodwork."

Jess sleepily sat her bed up so the nurse could do her job and as she's half asleep, she sees Jellybean and Archie in their cots asleep.

"V, uh there 3 cots or am I just seeing things?"

Veronica smiled.

"No there is 3 cots-after you fell asleep, Archie made arrangements. No worries you were deeply sound asleep as this happened and I knew that your thought would be am I seeing things."

Jess choked up feeling thankful- She literally started to accept the idea that Jug and Mary or Fred weren't here to help her and was going to be winging through it on her own. Thankfully she knows deep down Mary, Fred and Jughead-Emily and Matt would be proud of Archie and Jellybean for being there for her.

Veronica said.


Jess said.

"Let me guess Marie and Joaquin got the kids and Emily?"

Veronica said.


Jess grabbed her cell and messaged them as well as the kids.

Hey! Thank you Marie and Joaquin for looking out on the kids.

If anyone hungry I have food made in the fridge beforehand. If not order in!

I love you so much 😘 I'll be ok no need to worry.



Everly message back.

We love you, Mommy. Take it easy! Aunt Toni will cover your classes.

Jessica was worried about her students and immediately felt relieved she messaged Toni.

Thank you for helping me out with the students! 😘 you are a true friend for sure. I will definitely take you, Cheryl, Archie, Veronica, Marie, Joaquin and Jellybean all out to dinner once this is in the past...again 🤦🏼‍♀️🙏🏻

Toni replied.

Relax sis, got you.

FP came in and brought her iced coffee and an egg sandwich on a roll.

"Good morning, Jess."

Jess said.

"Thank you, Dad. I'm getting hungry at this time!"

FP said.

"Thought so."

The nurse was done and Jess took a huge bite that the crunch from the roll, woke Jellybean and Archie up as Jess blushed.

"Good Morning, my bad."

Archie checked the clock.

"It 3:30 am and your eating."

Jessica nodded.

"Jughead always did this at this hour every time I had bloodwork and it would have been his birthday today! So it my idea to celebrate my husband-the love of my life."

Jellybean smiled.

"You are such a good wife."

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