"How so?"

"He smiles and seems more loveable." Emilio looks me dead in the eye as he says this. "Thank you for that."

He puts a lolly in his own mouth and before I can speak up Carlo comes running down the stairs and kisses my nose.

"Let's go!"

We all go out of the house and get into the car and drive to the store.



"Mon coeur, what are you doing?" Adelaide laughs as I pick her up and put her into the shopping cart.

"Why do you keep calling me that?" I ask, as I make sure she is sat comfortably.

"Why not?" Is all she says. I notice her top is falling down a little so I quickly pull it up a little and make sure she is at least covered a little bit.

"Stop being lovey dovey please!" Emilio gags.

"Stop being jealous." Adelaide laughs.

She looks around a little bit and then smiles and looks at Emilio and me. "Look at those four girls. They're gorgeous!"

Emilio immediately looks in that direction whereas I keep my eyes glued onto the only gorgeous girl I know.

"Be right back." Emilio slaps my back and I kick him in the shin.

"Don't touch me." I say with a fake smile as I push the cart past him. Adelaide laughs her contagious laugh and I smile at the sound.

"Okay. We need; eggs, flour, bread, chicken, some seasoning, pasta, coffee, ice cream, cookie dough, cheese, tomatoes." She pauses as she looks down at the list with her legs crisscrossed and her head down. "I think that's it." She mumbles.

A piece of her hair drops so it covers her face, I move my hand and brush it past her ear and cup her jaw so she faces me. She smiles up at me and I get butterflies in my stomach.

I lean down and kiss her forehead, then her left cheek, then her right cheek, then her chin, then her lips and then her nose.

When I pull away her nose is scrunched up in a very adorable way. She smiles at me again and I go to kiss her again but Emilio comes skipping towards us shoving his phone in between our faces.

"Her name is Sienna." Emilio boasts.

Adelaide loses her smile almost immediately and looks anywhere but the two of us and the phone. Emilio is still going on about the girl he just met a second ago, but it all comes out as a murmured hush as I concentrate on Adelaide.

Her chest rises up and slowly as she tries to compose her breathing, she fidgets with her hands and then she finally takes something out of her top. I look closer and notice it's my ring I gave her ages ago. She plays with it and finally looks up at Emilio.

"You should ring the number to make sure she didn't fake it."

Emilio looks at her alarmed and I bite my lip to stop laughing. Adelaide starts getting out of the cart.

"What are you doing?" I question trying to help her.

"I just want to walk." She mutters taking the cart and walking down aisles. I follow behind her with Emilio trying to call the number.

"Carlo. It's fake." He gasps, trying to ring the number again. "She played me!"

I look down at him and chuckle. "Idiot."

I catch up with Adelaide leaving the shocked Emilio and place my hands on either side of Adelaide so we are pushing the cart together.

She tilts her head up and looks at me. I smile down at her and kiss her nose, she gives me a small smile before picking up eggs and putting them into the cart.

As we walk around the store I try to think about what could've changed her mood.

Emilio did get close to her, but she's been getting good at not flinching with others.

It could've been the fast movement and noise. No.

We come to a stop at the checkout and Adelaide starts to place things onto the black belt.

"Her name is Sienna."


I look down at Adelaide as she stays fiddling with the ring around her neck waiting for the shopping.

Her mom.

I quickly take Adelaide's hand in mine and stroke my thumb on the back of her hand. She looks up at me confused and I give her a small smile.

We take the shopping and walk out of the store towards the car. Emilio jumps into the back as we put the shopping away. I close the trunk and push Adelaide against it.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

"What for?" She whispers back.

"Emilio and -"

"I'm okay." She smiles up at me but it doesn't reach her eyes.

I kiss her lips three times and hug her close to me. She takes a deep breath and moves around me.

"You're going to make me cry." She laughs as she opens up her door.

I laugh as well and get into the car. Adelaide starts the engine and I place my hand on her thigh rubbing small circles.

"Emilio put your seatbelt on." I order. I look over at Adelaide and she smiles at me.

We all put our seatbelts on and make our way out of the car park. With my hand still on Adelaide's thigh she checks if there's anyone close to us before looking in the rear view mirror and seeing Emilio on his phone.

I squeeze her thigh lightly and she presses down on the accelerator. Emilio screams in shock and Adelaide slows back down.

"MY PHONE!" He screams.

I watch as Adelaide keeps her eyes on him as he bends for his phone, she accelerates again and before he can grab his phone he gets pushed back in his seat.

This proceeds to happen all the way back to the house.

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