"If you are so angry with me, then why should I help you? Ask mom!" I was about to cut the phone when she started chanting please on the call.

"Fine! I am coming on the terrace!" I said and hanged the call.

"These women are so different. We can never understand them. I repeat never!" I sighed and stood up from the sofa.

"You are right! Let's go." Dad kept his arms on my shoulder and said.

"Where? I am going on terrace to help my wife! You should go to your room to help your wife!" I said.

Dad didn't respond. He just smiled and pushed me along with him towards the terrace.

"I need some fresh air too!" He said once we were on the stairs few steps back from the terrace.

I frowned at his reply.

Who needs fresh air at 12?

"Come'on, you open the door!" He ordered when we were standing right at the door.

I looked at him once. He was still smiling.

Something looks really fishy? Don't you think?

I nodded and gradually opened the door.

The look out was dark. Nothing was visible. Not even the terrace railings.

"Was it always so dark up here?" I turned and asked Dad.

"Find your answers own!" Dad shrugged his shoulders and pointed me to look straight.

I turned again but this time, the lights flashed on.

I was in complete awe.

There were red and white curtains dancing in the breeze with some poppy yellow small bulb lights on the top.

I could see a table there in the middle and some eatable kept on it.


"Happy Birthday!" Everyone shouted from behind.

I flinched at the moment but got balanced in the other.

"It's... It's my... Birthday?" I asked in confirmation.

"No! I thought to celebrate our wedding anniversary today!" Ahana said.

"Aw.... I love you guys so much!!!" I cried and gave everyone a tight hug.

"Who planned this?" I asked when I completed my hugs.

"Dadi and Ahana, together!" Mom spoke looking at the two ladies blushing in the corner.

"Oh come'on mom. It's us. We planned it together." Ahana replied blushing hard.

This girl knows blushing? Whatever, I love her more than anything!

"Come let's cut the cake. After so long, I'll get to eat something sweet!" Dadi rubbed her palms in excitement. She has diabetes though!

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