- · · · -

Josh and I were flying to New York City together for Elsie Fest. I was a little nervous, but having him there made it better.

"I love you." He squeezed my hand while he scrolled through his phone with the other one. I smiled and blushed at the sudden mention.

"I love you too." I rested my head on his. I scrolled through my Instagram until the 5 minute notification appeared. I frowned and lifted my head off his shoulder.  I decided to post something on my story. I took a picture of  myself but I didn't like it, so I turned the camera around."Smile. Josh, smile. Josh, smile." I beamed. He turned around and grinned. I posted that on my story with a short caption and replayed the video over and over again. 

"Why are you replaying the video so much?" He asked me, holding my hand in his. 

"Because." I blushed. "You look cute." I answered, glancing at him. I took a screenshot and made it my wallpaper.

 I took a screenshot and made it my wallpaper

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The whole cast and flew to New York to do an interview for GMA, it was pretty cool to walk around the city but also very exhausting.

"Guys, come on we have to go." I tugged Josh's and Matt's jacket. I was still trying to fully wake up. Everyone slowly left the room, leaving me to wake them up.

I took a glance at Josh and smiled. He was so tired, but yet looked adorable. I took a picture of him, and saved it on my favorite album.

 I took a picture of him, and saved it on my favorite album

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"Did you just take a picture of me?" A sleepy voice asked. I looked up and saw Josh rubbing his eyes like a five year old. 

"No." I lied, helping him stand up.

"You're a liar, a beautiful one, though." He smiled and snuggled his face on my neck. I tangled my fingers on his hair as he bear hugged me.

"I love you." I kissed his shoulder.

"I love you more." He answered with a muffled voice.

- · · · -

 We just gave Rebecca back to my cousin and I couldn't be any more tired. "How was parenting for you?" Josh chuckled, sitting down on the couch. 

"Exhausting. How about you?" I asked him.

"Pretty fun aside from the argument." He opened his arms for me. I sat on his lap, straddling him. I nodded and placed my head on his shoulder, looking forward to some peace and quiet. "When we have a baby what are we going to name it?" He asked. That question caught me off-guard. I pulled away to look at him in the eyes. 

"You want to have a kid?"  I gulped. He nodded, noticing my change of disposition. 

"Well, n- not if yo- you don't want to." He scratched the back of his neck and sighed. "Sorry, I should've never said that." He looked away, bashfully. I held his face with my hand so he could look at me.

"I want their names to be Austin, Mia, and Gracie." I smiled. Okay, have I thought about this a few times? Maybe. Do I already have a plan of how I want everything to be? Totally.

"You've thought of this?" He breathed out, shocked. His expression easing when I interlocked our fingers together. 

"More than you think." I admitted, blushing a little bit. He smiled with his goofy grin, but then it changed back to a shocked expression. 

"You want three?" He questioned. I nodded, biting my lower lip. His grin came back as he pulled me to his lips. This was a heartfelt and blissful kiss. "But you know, Austin and Joshua don't go together." He pulled away. I had a feeling he wanted to name one of his children his own name as their middle name. 

"Well." I shrugged. "I guess we'll have to have another one."  I tried to hide the huge grin on my face.

"And we can have another one whose name is Liam, and another one whose name is Logan, and another one whose name is Kayla-" He started.

"Woah! I'm going to be the one who has to carry them, I'll eat for two, and I have to suffer the pain of labor. As much as it sounds sweet to have a whole basketball team, I do not want that pain." I stopped him. 

"I was just playing." He nuzzled our noses together. "Or maybe I wasn't." He mumbled. I hit his chest in disbelief and laughed.

"I can't wait to see little versions of you running around." I smiled. "With curly hair and big brown eyes." I described. 

"And a beautiful nose, and gorgeous smile." He grinned. I hugged him again, smiling like an idiot. "I already love my unborn children."

- · · · -

"It's quiet here." I smiled, looking around. Josh set up a picnic for both of us in some abandoned mountain. The trees were beautiful and everything was perfect.

"I know you like quiet places." He grinned at me. "And I just wanted to spend some time with you." 

I beamed and took a bite out of the burgers he packed. "Who made these?" I asked.

"Larry. They're really good." He answered. I nodded and kept eating. 

"Can you take a picture of me over that tree?" I asked him once we'd finished eating. He nodded and got up.

"Anything for you." He kissed me quickly and walked over to the tree. He bent down like he was some professional photographer and took some pictures of me. I laughed at the way he moved to take the pictures, and he chuckled along.

 I laughed at the way he moved to take the pictures, and he chuckled along

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"You look beautiful." He stood up and handed me my phone back. I smiled and began to walk back to the blanket placed on the grass, but he held my wrist and pulled me back to him. We both grinned at each other before he bent down to interlock our lips together. I smiled into the kiss and leaned my body against his, as he held my waist."I love you."

"I love you too."

-End of Flashbacks-

What happened to all of that?

The Past Is In The Past(Jolivia) Pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now