Part 30

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"Hey who are you looking at!?" Ike shouted at the spectators from classes B and A who lined up at the windows watching us.

I felt two or three gazes linger on me for a few seconds from class B's side but other than that the reconnaissance was to be expected.

"Hey aren't they from class B?"

"Hey Kanji look over there as well it's class A!" Pointing out the spectators Ike and Yamauchi complained loud enough to be heard because of the windows being open but the spectators showed no signs of moving.

"They started fast" Coming to my side, Horikita looked at the spectators.

"No one from class C, huh?" As expected she too noticed the missing presence of class C only raising her suspicions.

"I guess he has better things to do" Focusing on Haruka and Sakura doing their stretches and light warm up.

As agreed I will start training them from today, we will meet up at 5am for a two hour session primarily focused on cardio and then we will meet again at 7pm for another two hour session of cardio.

Getting six and a half hours sleep, at minimum, from 10pm till 4:30am they will be well rested and not sleep in class. Also using their points effectively to change their diets in order to garner better results I have given them a pretty harsh regime.

However given their current ability this is necessary.

From first hand experience I know Sakura has terrible cardio and athletic prowess and assuming that Haruka is similar, if not slightly better, then they both are at the bottom or near it for our class.

With having only a month to prepare I don't expect them to grow by leaps and bounds but if Sakura really wants to spread her wings and fly then this will show her how hard a task that actually is.

"If you know something maybe you could inform me instead of staring at Sakura-san and Hasebe-san" Poking my arm Horikita prodded me for information.

"I don't know anything about his plans other than he has them"

"Well I know that but I wanted to get an idea of what it is. I mean he must have great confidence in his plan otherwise he would be spying and knowing that is unsettling"

"Maybe, maybe not" Sticking to my cryptic ways Horikita just shook her head.

"Suzune. Hey, Suzune, you got a minute?" Snapping Horikita out of her thoughts, Sudo approached, though Horikita's stern grim expression didn't look reassuring.

"Haven't I told you not to use my first name so casually if at all" Glaring down the confident Sudo Horikita gave a firm warning.

"W-what's wrong with me using it? Does it really bother you that much?"

"Yes. My first name is for people whom I am close to and not just anyone and everyone. If you continue using it so casually after this I will make sure you regret it" Poor Sudo.

Misunderstanding his intentions and feelings Horikita forcefully shut him down with a threat.

The sharp glint of a compass crossed my mind making the small puncture wounds in my arm tingle.

Definitely poor Sudo.

"W-well then how about if I beat everyone in our class proving to you that I'm no longer the useless idiot you saved twice anymore, then can you let me?"

"I don't understand why my first name is so important to you but if you want to prove yourself then get the best out of our whole year and then I will allow it"

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