Part 25

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Kiyo Pov

At this point our group meetings have devolved into playing cards for an hour, under the watchful gaze of Ichinose, while Karuizawa manipulates Machida and Manabe glares holes into her skull.

(For some reason and I don't know why, I just really dislike Machida)

*Scoff* "At this rate the VIP will just escape and we can't do a thing about it other than play cards"

"Well spectacle-dono you can never be sure"

"What's that supposed to mean? Actually, nevermind you just spout nonsense anyway"

While Yukimura and Soromura bickered Karuizawa had walked past on her phone followed by Manabe and her friends whose threatening auras and expressions made them look like a pack of wolves hunting their prey.

"...You don't think?"

"We should make sure"

Yukimura took the lead following Manabe while Sotomura has a cataclysmic world ending emergency to attend to, more like he wants to watch anime rather than listen to Karuizawa and Manabe's childish bickering.

"You did push Rika didn't you?"

"I keep telling you it wasn't me so can you just get lost"

The three girls surrounded Karuizawa blocking off any escape route and the fact that they had the numbers advantage Karuizawa's hope of escape is just hope.

But they really are pathetic humans.

Inside their class hierarchy they are just "loyal brainless dogs" according to Ibuki and yet now that they have reprieve from Ryūens control, they are acting out.


"Why should we? Or are you going to open your slutty mouth and admit it?"

One of Manabe's friends looked to have her phone out ready to call Rika but their hostility towards Karuizawa started leaking.

"I remember now. I-I did bump into that girl but she is a complete airhead so it's not my fault"


Although apologising probably wouldn't have eased their hatred for Karuizawa, refusing to apologise whilst passing blame to the "victim" is in no way a smart move.

"Ugh! You are really pissing me off! What think you're better than everyone because you are dating Hirata?"

"Hey Shiho-san why don't we make her feel how Rika did? Maybe then this bitch will apologise"

Manabe just smirked at the idea and then pushed Karuizawa's shoulder forcefully, knocking her against the wall.


"Huh! What are you doing? Let's stop them!"

"Wait they haven't done anything yet"

Yukimura shook his arm free from my grasp giving me a dubious look as we watched the scene unfold.



Clutching her hair shrinking in size as her breathing got even more irregular and shallow, Karuizawa Kei's facade is starting to fall.

"Acting like a little girl won't help you. You deserve much worse than a gentle push"

"Aaah!" Yanked up by her hair Karuizawa's desperate face didn't invoke pity, instead it only incited hatred for Manabe and her friends.

Cote: Heartless Masterpiece? [Discontinued]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz