Part 14

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"B-but the beach"

"Hirata-kun what about our vacation"

The murmurings broke out in all classes apart from classes B and A who seemed to have had suspicions beforehand.

I looked over to class C and noticed a bit with shoulder length magenta hair who is leaning against a large black student who looks like her could crush my head with one of his hands.

The purple haired boy wasn't shocked by the news and smiled looking towards class A.

This must be Ryūen.

"Now everyone listen up I will tell you the rules once and only once"

Everyone went silent and looked at Sensei attentively.

Our class has come leaps and bounds since the start of the year with our behaviour but we still have very limited unity or a definitive leader.

"You are given 300 points which we shall call...S-points~" the pause to feign thinking fooled most of our class but Koenji me and the Professor~who seems to be a lot smarter than you would expect~understood the name was probably pre-planned.

"These S-points can be used to buy anything in this manual but you will only be given 300 S-points and no more"

So the points can't be manaipulated so they need to be managed and depending on budgeting control we can optimise our point usage, but there is more to it if this is a "special test".

"You will lose 30 points for a person retiring earlier than the finishing time of 1 week. Points will also be lost for pollution and other things stated in the manual"

The manual was given to Hirata but I don't care about that right now because Hirata will let me read it whenever I want if I ask him.

"Now although I said you won't be given more than 300 you can earn points through spot occupation. There are several designated spots on the island and you can occupy these spots with a keycard"

There was more detail on the manual but basically the class would have to appoint someone to hold the keycard~a leader.

And this leader would have the rights to occupy a spot and if a class tried to occupy the same spot as us then they would revive a 50 point penalty and vice versa.

Also possession of spots refreshed every 8 hours and the points received are added to the final total so cannot be spent during the exam.

"Another opportunity is the final day where you will guess the class leaders"

"But our class doesn't have a leader~"

"It's Hirata-kun obviously you idiot!"

"Hey I'm not an idiot uggo!"

Ike and Shinohara started bickering and a vein started pulsing on Sensei's temple.

"SHUT UP!" She glared at Shinohara and Ike and her face was contorted and full of rage.

The other classes on the beach looked over at us and some started to laugh and mock us as class D. Shinohara and Ike put their heads down and Sudo smiled slightly because this time he didn't embarrass the class.

"Now...on the final day the leader, who is the one with the keycard, will have their name guessed by the other classes and if they guess correct you lose 50 points and they gain 50 points. Also in the case you are on 0 they will still gain 50 points but you will not go negative"

So this means that the identity of the keycard holder is the most important.

"Also any points earned through spot possession will be lost if the leaders name is guessed"

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