Part 3 Re-draft

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After leaving class I went to the convenience store to buy some essentials and food for my room.

By some horrible and unfortunate coincidence she was here thankfully she looked like she was almost done due to her leaving earlier than me.

I had my basket and started to put the necessities in like deodorant, toothpaste~

"It's like a cruel joke at this point" So she finally noticed me not like I was hiding or anything but I just assumed she would be too self centred and focused on herself to notice me.
Also why does she keep speaking to me when she hates people like me and tells me not to speak to her?
"So not speaking then. Just back to your creepy staring"

It seems I was caught in my thoughts again, it was happening more frequently and was the thing that got me the most grief from this girl.

"Huh~no, no I was just thinking why do you keep talking to me when you say you hate and don't want to be around me?" I continued placing items in my basket moving around the store not caring if she continues talking to me.

"Don't flatter yourself you just seem to be everywhere I go"

"That's it?"

"Yeah that's perfectly~Hey don't ignore me!" My attention had been captured by what was hiding in the corner.

"Free? 3 items per month. What do you think of this?"

Just like her I couldn't help but make conversation but this was merely a test to see if she was capable and could become a useful subject err-I mean friend or not.

"Free hmm. I would say this school is suspicious but quite lenient wouldn't you say?" Hmm she has potential but I want to see more.

"Lenient hmm. I don't know but suspicious what do you mean?" Let's see what I'm working with.

"Well the 100,000 yen-or points per month and the fact we don't have to pay the gas water or electric bills for our apartment doesn't encourage people to develop money skills which is suspicious because you would think a government funded school would encourage those things"

"What else?"

"The free items on top of 100,000 points per months is suspicious" A good deduction but there are flaws which I should point out.

"Hmm yeah the points are suspicious especially with this free stuff but per month?" I stressed the per and hoped she would notice

"Per?" Ahh it seems she noticed but couldn't read between the lines.

Well I did try.

"Never mind" I took 3 items and so did she as we made our way to the counter.

The red haired hot head was holding up the line as he searched his pockets and yelled at the other customers.

"I'm getting it wait up" My opinion of him was already at rock bottom but if he forgot his ID it would reach a new low.

"Here I'll pay just pay me back later your holding up the line and causing a scene" I helped him to which he was grateful but I just wanted to jump the queue and get closer to my bed.

"Thanks man! I'll definitely pay you back just not used to carrying it on me you know? I used to carry money not some card"
Like I thought an ape has more brains. He forgot his ID which was necessary for purchases and tried to make a purchase.

"It's fine and you don't need to pay me back just don't forget it in future" I decided to try and form a relationship with the monkey and hopefully correct his behaviour but it will be a long road.

Cote: Heartless Masterpiece? [Discontinued]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt