Chapter 12- A dare or two truths

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Meep- thoughts
Meep- POV

Third person:

"Okay then, Mind Transfer Jutsu!"

Ino's body fell to the ground, Choji catching her in time.

"Hm? So this is Sasuke's mind." Ino looked around "it's pretty dark."

"-Although, I'm not surprised at all." She spoke to herself, walking off.

'Here!'  She walked into a particular place in Sasuke's mind.

"Wait.." the Yamanaka went quiet "oh my lord.."

"Oi, Ino!" The raven rushed to the blonde girl "..are you going to tell anyone?"

Ino looked at the Uchiha warmly "If you don't want to, then sure."

And she left Sasuke's mind.

"Your back!" Choji said.

"So? Who is the unlucky girl?" Kiba rushed up to her.

"Kiba, don't be so rude!" Sakura scolded. "Ino? Did you find out?"

The said girl looked over to the glum raven and darted her eyes between him and Naruto.

"I'd like to keep it a secret." She finally answered.

"Aww! Ino, come on, spill it!" Tenten pleaded.

"Well," she said "Sasuke said I shouldn't say for.." Ino looked back at the Uchiha.

"..personal reasons."

"Oh well," Neji spoke up in a tired tone "so, hurry on with the next question."

"Hn.. dobe." Naruto sat up quickly when he heard his name mentioned.


"What's up with you?"

There was a long silence before Kiba started laughing "Oh lord, Sasuke. What's with the unclear question? Trying to find out more about your 'little boyfriend' ", which brought back memories of what Anko said.

Naruto and Sasuke saw eachother's looks on their faces and looked away, both of them a blushing mess again.

"Ehh.. Shut up, Kiba!" The fox boy mumbled.

"Oh, Naruto, we know you two like i-"


"Just shut up, yah idiot!" Sakura shouted, leaving the dog boy in pain.

Kakashi's POV:

Mah.. just look at the way those two are clearly blushing, madly inlove from first glance - or kiss. Oh, young love.

"Now, let's have a little break from.. this." Asuma suggested.

"Yes, have a short break everyone!" Gai exclaimed as the students left their seats and separated into groups.
Only two people, Naruto and Sasuke, were still sitting in their seats.

Here were the chat groups:

Kiba, Shikamaru and Choji.

Neji, Hinata, Lee and Sakura.

Tenten, Ino, and Shino.

Third person:

"Okay, Sasunaru Fanclub's first meeting is a go!" Tenten whispered, giggling.

The three genin were standing a bit farther away from the others incase anyone else heard their secret conversation.

"Huh? Why'd you two drag me into this?" Shino asked the girls.

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