"Oh trust me I know who you are" he laughs "your commentary on Mr. Schuester's terrible Spanish presentations is comedy gold".

"Well I'm glad someone finds it entertaining." She smiles at him.

As they continue to walk down the hall the bell rings. The two reluctantly part ways promising to find each other later. Both secretly excited they found a new friend.

╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

Blake walks down the long hallway happy the day is almost over when she comes across the activities board. One specific thing caught her attention. Glee club.

She remembered the old director Sandy Reyerson got fired for being a pervert, so she wondered who would take it over. Curiosity getting the best of her she wrote her name down. Blake Henley. Wow, never did she think she'd sign up for glee club.

Considering Rachel Berry was in it she truthfully never even considered it, but now maybe it'll be a good experience.

As she's about to turn around someone raps their arms around her; not knowing who this person is her first instinct is to attack whoever is grabbing her. She swiftly turns around and palms whoever is holding her in the chest. The stranger releases her gasping for air, as she gets a good look at him she notices he's covered in something red. A slushee.

Guilt washing over her, realizing he had just saved her from a slushee attack she profusely tries to apologize.

"I-I'm so sorry! I had no idea who or-or what was happening so my first instinct was to hit whatever was touching me! I am so sorry!"

As she rambles the boy just laughs a little "hey, hey, it's alright. I just saw someone about to slushee you so I thought I could try to help" He smiles "but I mean if I knew you'd try to kung fu panda me I would've stood a little further back." He laughs lightening up the mood.

Blake let's out a half sigh half laugh "Well maybe next time you try to save someone, give 'em a little heads up before hand". Both the teens laugh

"I'm Ace Williams" he sticks out his hand for her to shake.

"Blake Henley" she responds while shaking his hand.

"Well Blake," he says as he slides past her to the sign up sheet "I'll see you at auditions" he gives her a goofy smile "now if you'll excuse me, I should probably clean myself up".

"Yea, yea. Again I'm really sorry for hitting you".

"No worries. I'll catch you later Blake" he says as he walks off to the boys bathroom to clean himself off.

Blake shakes her head smiling wondering how she managed to make two potential friends in a day.

╔═══*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

Blake quietly enters the backstage area of the auditorium catching the end of one of her favorite songs Pony, and as she looks out onto the stage she sees it's a boy in a wheelchair.

She notices not only how amazing his voice is but how his dance moves are better than 95% of the peoples who can walk. As he wheels offstage she can't help but stop him.

"Hey, I just wanted to say, that was a killer performance dude. Like seriously... I feel like I should've paid to watch it or something."

The boy laughs "thank you" as he pushes up his glasses in a way Blake finds adorable. As Blake is about to continue talking to the boy a girl she recognizes as Tina from her English class approaches the two.

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