(Vol 1 Finale) Chapter 13: I am Bruce Wayne!

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Scene starts Bruce breaking his binoculars as he sees Joe and Roman in one same place, he could take him down right here and now, but he doesn't know if he is hiding henchmen, so he won't attack him now, but he knows where he'll be days later, and he will make sure he knows pain. Bruce groans and jumps away until he sees from very far Blake without her bow, seeing her cat ears and a monkey Faunus guy, who was annoying.

Bruce: What happened back there?

He keeps going as the scene changes to Team RW*Y and Team *HA* walking around Vale looking for Blake.

Ruby: Blaaaake!

Yang: Blaaaake!

Y/N: Come in kitty kitty.

He speeds to every alley, trashcan and places finding her but no luck.

Hal: *flying* Blaaaake!

Ruby: Blaaaaaaaake! Where aaaare yoooouuuu!?

Yang: Blake!

Ruby: Weiiiiss, you're not helping!

Weiss: Oh! You know what might be able to help? the police!

Ruby: *annoyed* Ugh, Weiss!

Y/N: Come on, girl, Blake is your teammate for Oum's sake!

Weiss: What?! It was just an idea.

Ruby: Yeah, a bad one.

Yang: Weiss, I think we should hear her side of the story before we jump to any conclusions.

Weiss: I think that when we hear it, you'll all realize I was right!

Hal: *ready to burst* You what I think? Huh?! I'm gonna send your snowy ass back to Atlas and papa Jacques! And later if more racism is involved, it will be me who will burn THE SCHNEE NAME DOWN!!!

Hal started to literally emit a kind of red aura, as everyone looks in shock including Weiss.

Y/N: Hal... you ok?

Hal looks at Y/N and later at his own hands as he groans.

Hal: Dammit!

Y/N: Hal what's going on?

Hal: Rage... red lanterns, gotta keep my composer at time.

Y/N: Red Lantern.

Hal: I-I'll tell you later. *looks at Weiss* At this point I'm saying it again, YOU'RE NO BETTER THAN YOUR FATHER!!!

Hal floats away as everyone looks at Hal in shock.

Y/N: That's new.

Yang: Reminds me of myself... only as a guy.

Y/N: So you gonna help now Weiss? Cause I don't wanna deal with an angry Hal and trust me, I'm a bit scared. *Weiss doesn't answer and looks away* I think you're beyond redemption.

???: "And I think Weiss' hair looks wonderful today!

Y/N yelps and jumps in Ruby's hands as she almost falls.

Ruby: Penny! Where did you come from?!

Y/N: YEAH WHAT THE HELL?!!! My heart already beats 20 times faster than a normal person! YOU ALMOST RAISED IT TO 50!!!

Penny: Hey guys! What are you up to?

Ruby lets Y/N go and he lands in his ass.

Y/N: Ow.

Hal: Not so fast anymore, huh?

Y/N: Shut up!

Yang: We're looking for our friend Blake.

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