Chapter 6: Emerald Forest Pt 2

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The scene starts with Ruby falling from a Nevermore while Weiss still was grabbing it.

Ruby: *falling from the sky* Heads uuuuuuuup!

She was about to land, until Y/N started to emit lightning and everything to him was in slow motion.

(Starts music)

He looks around as he sees everyone frozen, he managed to see Clark about to leap hut he was so slow he was moving inch by inch in every 5 seconds. Y/N looks up seeing Ruby as he looks to a tree incredibly close to her. He started to run towards it leaving his lightning bolts trail back but realizing his shoes were now broken. He ran and when he stepped foot on the tree, he started like to run in it just to arrive in a tree branch. He saw Ruby close him but also saw Jaune about to hit her. He looked at Ruby who kept falling in slow motion, just to turn her at his direction face to face but she was upside down. He looked at her as he touches one of her hair strand just to smile a little looking at her. He pulls her towards him and puts her in his hands bridal style and he looks to the ground just to jump to the ground, creating a small crater the size of his feet when he landed just to run and put her in the ground seated between Yang and Blake. He walks back by Hal's side.

(Ends music)

The scene returns to normal speed as Clark was about to leap but looks confused and sees Ruby in the ground by Yang and Blake. He saw Ruby with lightning around but the lightning disappeared and they all saw Y/N who's shoes were completely gone.

Clark: Did you?

Y/N: Uuuuuuuuuuuuh-

Y/N forgot about Jaune and saw him fly to a tree.

Y/N: I completely forgot about him.

Ruby was still analyzing whatever just happened while falling, she just blinked and she saw the lightning around her but seated in the ground.

Yang: Ruby! *hugs Ruby in a bear hug* I'm so happy you're ok. What happened while falling?

Ruby: I...

They heard from the woods a lot of sound and saw the moves move our of the way and they see an Ursa swinging around but later lands face in the ground as the same ginger girl jumps from it very energetic.

Ginger Girl: Awwww... It's broken.

Green clothes guy: *appearing behind the Ursa* Nora! Please... Don't ever do that again.

The girl named Nora disappeared, and was looking at a golden rook piece. She grabbed it and started to sing.

Nora: *singing* I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!

Green clothes guy: NORA!!!

Nora makes a military salute towards her friend.

Nora: Coming, Ren!

Blake: Did that girl just ride in on an Ursa?

Yang: I...

Later the redhead girl was running from a Deathstalker. She dodged a swing from the Deathstalker with her weapon in hand.

Redhead girl: Jaune!

Jaune: Pyrrha!

Y/N: Should I?

Hal: I don't know, he looks fine where he is.

Y/N: *using an english accent* I smell jealousy, mate. Is it for the Ice Queen?

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