Chapter 3: The Sleep

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Bruce walked from the elevator but looked right and saw Blake as he looked confused. Blake started to walk away as Bruce followed her. Blake took a turn as Bruce kept following her just for her to enter the crowd who was walking away after Ozpin and Glynda's talk. He looked around and she managed to go with the community as Bruce looked around trying to find her.

Bruce: *whistles* She got me there.

Alfred: *comms* Yes she did Master Bruce, how does it feel to get a taste of your own medicine?

Bruce: Not great.

Bruce walked with the crowd, while Blake looked back at where Bruce was walking and later looked back in front but having a thinking face.


The scene shows Y/N and Hal playing with their scrolls seated near Ruby, Yang and Clark. Ruby was writing with Yang seated and her head in his shoulder as they watch a Football match. (You probably saw Clark's love interest so to make it clear, Ruby and Clark have a extremely good relationship but as brother and sister, Clark as well with Yang in some ways but you probably saw Yang has a different kind of relationship with Clark). Bruce is seeing in a corner with a book reading but he is secretly downloading a 360 view of Ozpin's vault. Bruce sighs and finishes reading. He was about to go to another book until he saw Blake reading a book.

Alfred: *comms* What's wrong?

Bruce: *whispering* Blake... the girl I faced in the train.

Alfred: *comms* What's wrong with her?

Bruce: I'm gonna need some answers from her.

Bruce stands up and walks to Blake as he kept a normal decent happy personality. Blake who was reading heard some steps and lowered her book just to see in her left side.

Bruce: Maybe we met the wrong way a few hours ago, my name is-

Blake: I know who you are, Bruce Wayne.

Bruce: Not surprised being honest, what's your name?

Blake: Blake.

Bruce: Nice to meet you. I wanted to know actually why you sort of waiting for me by the elevator?

Blake: Because something was strange about you.

Bruce: Strange? How so?

Blake: What were you doing in it?

Bruce: I was just looking for the bathroom.

Blake: Below where we are?

Bruce: There's so many floor in this place that I thought at least I would find it in one of the upper floors but when I returned, all buttons were pressed and skipped the entrance to the amphitheater. I came to ask if you did it, since you were the closest, not judging you.

Blake: No it wasn't me. Now can I read my book... alone?

Bruce: W-What's the book about?

Blake: You really want to know?

Bruce: Yeah, I actually brought some of my own.

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