(Vol 1 Pilot) Chapter 1: Pilot

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A guy with blond spiky hair was walking in the night to a building called "From Dust Till Dawn." He entered and saw an old man in the counter.

Guy: Hey Mr Addington!

The old man called Addington waved back at him as he walked towards a part with small books of science and energetics. He walked but a girl with black hair and red tips walked to the same direction and both bump into each other.

Red girl/Guy: I'm so sorry, I didn't see you-

Both stop talking and look away chuckling.

Guy: I-I talk first or you talk first?

Red girl: Um, you? I guess?

Guy: You know what? Nevermind. Sorry for bumping into you, I just didn't see you.

Red girl: And I didn't see you or heard you. *shows her headset* Music.

Guy: Right! Um-

Red girl: Are you ok?

Guy: *talking a little fast* Well the thing is that this is d-d-d-definitely not the first time I bump to a girl you know?

Red girl: Well same for me... with a boy, of course hehehe... sorry. *extends hands* Ruby Rose.

Guy: *shakes it* F/N Allen.

Ruby: Soooooooooo, why are you here?

Y/N: M-M-Me? I was coming here for some magazines, you?

Ruby: Magazines as well.

Y/N: W-What a coincidence you know.

Ruby: Y-Yeah.

Y/N's scroll rings as he sees the name "Joe" in it.

Y/N: Well it sure was nice meeting you, Ruby, hope we meet again some time soon.

Ruby: Yeah, me too.

Y/N runs away as Ruby does what she does best, ignore everything and focus on weapons.


In a balcony that had a bunch of targets, a guy with a black tanktop and shorts with his right hand glowing.

Guy: Ok ok, test number 49, is time to fly. *looks back* Tom you're recording?

Guy from camera (Tom): Yep. Go nuts, Hal.

Guy (Hal): Ok ok... let's get to it. *breathing in and out* In 3... 2... 1... *he moves up but... he wasn't flying as he had his eyes closed* Am I doing it?

Tom: Uuuuuuuuuuh... no?

Hal: *looks at himself and he is still on ground* Aw dammit. Wait I forgot... I have to imagine I can fly.

Tom: I'm sorry, what?

Hal: Think about it. The ring can do anything I imagine if I have enough will and concentration, if I concentrate and like imagine I can fly, I might be able to.

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