Sasuke was in shock, he had the same reaction as me. When I first was told I sat there speechless and heartbroken, I didn't talk to my parents that whole night, or the whole car ride here. I was mad and my parents kept their distance, I cried all night and I even broke a couple of things. Sasuke won't do that much but he will be extremely pissed. He squeezed my hand and I looked up at him, he was staring at me and I could tell, he was absolutely heartbroken.

"I- but- WHY?!?" He yelled and stood up, still holding my hand.

"WHY NOW OF ALL TIMES! I had to go on a stupid trip where I don't see Naruto for two months, then you guys have the audacity to give us only a week to see each other before I leave again?!? What kind of idiots planned this? How long were you going to hide it?!? If it weren't for Naruto telling me, I bet you guys would've waited until they left! You all know how I feel and you know everything I've told you! Now you feel like betraying me?!?" He was breathing really hard, he was crying, I was crying, everyone was crying.

"Sasu-" Mikoto tried calming him down but he stormed upstairs, taking me with him. He slammed the door and sat on the bed, he let go of me and now had his face in his hands. I could hear him sobbing. I walked over and sat by him, I hugged him and we cried together.

~No Ones POV~
Itachi walked out from the kitchen.

"That didn't go so well, but it's expected" he said. Mikoto and Kushina were wiping their tears. Minato and Fugaku sat there in silence.

"We're horrible" said Kushina. They all knew very well how Sasuke and Naruto felt about each other, even if Naruto hasn't told them, they knew. They love each other, they've loved each other since they met each other, inseparable.

"It had to happen, Sasuke will calm down and he'll accept fact that he won't see Naruto for awhile. He'll treasure the time he has left with him, and knowing Sasuke. He won't give up on him" Itachi said.

He felt bad for his younger brother, he's also always known how much Sasuke has loved Naruto. When it's just the two of them, whenever Sasuke gets the chance to talk about Naruto he will, it could last hours. All Sasuke does is look at Naruto and admire him, Itachi watches closely to the both of them, Naruto does the same thing. He felt bad but what could he do? Sasuke was grieving, and Itachi knew that these next couple years.....would be rough.

"If you all want, Shisui and I could stay here for the rest of the summer and watch over them, let them have their time together. Please"

Everyone was taken back by Itach asking them, he never asks for anything unless it has a purpose. Itachi's main goal is for Sasuke to be happy and grow without any casualties. He loves his brother and would do anything for him.

"Are you sure?" We leave today and I don't think Naruto and Sasuke have clothes for the rest of the summer, you also don't have the car to take them places" said Mikoto, she looked at the ground.

Itachi knows this, they obviously have the money and he could probably just buy his own car but he never felt like it. Not until he was in college, which he now is but that was not long ago.

"I could help" everyone looked up to see Madara, Hashirama, Tobirama, and Izuna standing there.

"Sorry, we know you asked us to mind our business but we couldn't help but listen when sasuke slammed the door open" said Izuna, they walked over and sat on the couch. Tobirama was standing.

"How? You wouldn't be willing to leave the car" said Fugaku. He was right, Madara loves his car.

"I could lend mine to him" said Hashirama, he gave them a smile and everyone was confused.

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