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"But... I never knew you felt the same way...", Sal said, letting go of Travis's hands, reaching behind his head, and unclipping his prosthetic.

"Wh-..  wait...", Travis muttered.

They both went silent.

"... So?-", Travis muttered.

"So?", Sal repeated, "What do you want to do?-"

"You know...I think we're really good friends", Travis sighed.

"Are you sure?- I mean we could--", Sal got cut off.

"I'm sure. We're still young... Trying to figure out everything... It's probably just for the best-"

"We're in highschool- that's when most people start .... Dating- I mean I get if you're uncomfortable with it I just ....", Sal held his prosthetic in his hand, his head hung low.

"I know, But- so much is happening at once... I think it's for the best. If we just stay friends for now", Travis wiped the tears that started to form in his eyes.

"I get it. Don't do anything that you don't feel comfortable doing... I want you to be safe around me" Sal looked up.

Travis stared at his scars, gently pressing his hand against Sal's cheek, rubbing his thumb against a few of the small scars. He scooted closer to him, brushing the shaggy bright blue hair, out of Sal's face and behind his ear.

"Is it okay .... If... I~~", Travis trailed off.

Sal nodded gently with a smile, placing his hand behind Travis's head.

This was it.

Travis leaned in closer, Pressing his lips against Sal's. It felt so much more.... Different, than it felt with Abby. This felt real. It *was* real.

Travis put his arms around Sal's waist, embracing this moment, that he wasn't sure would ever happened again. It felt right. It felt like it was meant to be-

"I should go Travis...", Sal muttered as he pulled away.

"Did- did I do something wrong?"

"No! No .... I promise. It's just late. I'm tired ...."


"Where have you been.", Kenneth growled as soon as Travis walked through the front door.

"I- uhh", Travis stood there, closing the door behind him awkwardly.

"So. I got a call a few hours ago...  When I thought you were asleep. I planned to talk to you about it in the morning. But then again, it's four in the god, damn morning!"

"I'm sorry-", Travis went to sit on the couch, waiting for what was about to happen, not expecting what was to come.

"So. Abby. That girl from church. When did I ever teach my son to disrespect woman like that!"

When he's the one talking.

"I'm- I'm sorry-"

"Sorry?!", He laughed, "You think sorry is going to fix this?! This could affect me! You realize that right!?", Kenneth walked closet to Travis.

"Where. The. Fuck. Where. You.", He growled.

"I-I was at the church--", Travis muttered.

"Speak up!", Kenneth struck his face abruptly.

"I was at the church."

"And what in god's name where you doing there."

"I was ...."

"Speak up!", Kenneth raised his hand.

"I was- with... A friend"

"Since when did you have friends", Kenneth scoffed.

"Why have I never heard of them, huh? Are you hiding something from me. What the fuck are you doing behind my back?!"

"I was with Sal--", Travis blurted out.

Kenneth lilted his head, thinking.

"Sal.... Fisher ....?", He clenched his teeth.

"Do you... Know him?-", Travis stood up.

"What the fuck are you doing hanging around that fucking Tranny.", Kenneth snapped.

"You gay or something? Huh, little boy. Are you a fucking faggot, like your mommy", Kenneth bent down to his level, practically yelling into Travis's face.

"I hope you have fun in hell after I kill you.", Kenneth stood up straight, and walked to the stairs, "If you are not in your room, in the next fifteen minutes, I'm telling everyone about what you and your fucking boyfriend are doing behind closed doors."

How, how did he know? He just- seemed to know, like it was obvious, and this entire time Sal and his friends were just blind. But Travis did as he was told, he didn't want rumors that weren't true being spread around. Especially at the school, or at church.

"And tell your stupid little boyfriend, if he ever talks to you. Ever again, I'll kill the both of you, myself."

I Wish You'd Just Shut Up Already (completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon