Take Me With You

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The previous night had gone well surprisingly. Madelyn had gotten beaten, yes, but it could have gone worse.

And on Friday morning she woke up to the bed empty, as usual.

She got up, wrapping her robe around her and putting her slippers on to go to the bathroom and take her usual morning shower, and to tend to her wounds.

By noon Kenneth had gotten back home from the church, where he was planning Sunday's children's events.

And as usual, Madelyn made him food, with his nit picking and yelling at her for not making it how he liked it.

"You know. I would have divorced you by now if you would have just got that stupid ass abortion almost eighteen years ago!", He hit the table with his fists.

"I-I'm sorry dear... I.. ", Madelyn was close to tears, brushing off her faded blue dress, her eyes tearing up.

"I should have just fucking killed you both", Kenneth scoffed as he went to the doorway.

"I just keep waiting for you to do it yourself", And with that, he was out of sight.

And after that Madelyn went through every cupboard, every drawer, and every cabinet in her house. Her hands shaking while trying to cry quietly.

She wanted to do it, she's been wanting to do it, but she just couldn't leave Travis... She couldn't leave him alone with this horrible man... But at this moment all she could think about was herself and her health. She couldn't take it anymore.

And with a few sleeping pills, pain killers, and an old pill bottle with no lable she sat down on the couch with a bottle of wine, and downed as much as she could.

She sat on the couch, starting to black out after around half an hour, the last thing she saw was her husband, with the last thing she thought about was her son.

I Wish You'd Just Shut Up Already (completed)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt