Sticks and Stones

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(With Travis) --Abuse TW--


Travis didn't get any sleep that night. He couldn't if he tried, leaving him exhausted the next morning.

That night his mother and father stayed up all night arguing downstairs, going on for hours. And every time he thought it was over and he could sleep, he would hear something break or fall and the yelling would start once again.

He couldn't even hear what they were so mad about, he was just so panicked the entire time, curling up in a ball on his creaky mattress, tears silently flowing from his eyes.

And Travis stayed in that position all night until his 6am alarm went off and there was a shy knock at his door.

Shutting the annoying screeching of his clock off, he replied. "Yes?"

"I made breakfast if you want some-", It was his mother's, soft but raspy voice. He could hear the pain in her voice.

"I'll be down in a moment", He stood up, looking at himself in the mirror placed next to his door before ruffling up his hair and making his way to his closet to get his school clothes out.


Once Travis was dressed and made his way down stairs, he could hear his mother gently humming in the kitchen as she mixed pancake batter together, pouring it into a pan that sat above the gas stove.

"How'd your sleep...", Mother said, her voice kind of shaky, almost knowing that he didn't sleep, but doing it to try and seem more.... Cheerful?

"... I slept fine...", He boy huffed, looking at his mother up and down, seeing new bright red bruises on her wrists, one of her eyes swollen a little, but not as bad as Travis's had been.

"Would you like me to drive you to school today?- I need to get out of the house", She started preparing a plate of small pancakes, topped with butter and molasses.

"Are you sure?", Travis made his way to the round table that sat in the middle of the kitchen, sitting down in a random seat.

"Yeah of course...", He walked over to him, placing the full plate infront of her son, running her other hand through Travis's blonde hair.

"You're roots are starting to show- do you want to grow it out? Or just redye it?", She sat in the seat next to him.

".... I'll let it grow out a little", he said with a sigh, starting to cut bite size pieces out of his food.


"I want you to try to make friends today....", The brown woman huffed, Turning the steering wheel of the car, keeping her eyes on the road.

Travis chuckled a little, clutching onto his backpack. "No one would want to be friends with me mom-", His voice tired.

"What about that lovely blue haired girl I see walking to school- the one that wears that little mask? Her and her boyfriend always seem to be looking at you", She gave off a warm smile, glancing at Travis.

".... Sal's a dude... And that's... Not her boyfriend?", He questioned. "And they hate my guts...."

The woman huffed, right as she pulled into the school parking lot. "Well, today's yesterday's tomorrow... And you'll never know if you don't try my dear", She glanced over at him.

"Thanks mom...", He sighed, opening the car door and slipping his backpack on. "I love you-", he whispered before slamming the car door shut, and turning around to face the menacing school building.

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