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*~~~* The Next Day *~~*

"La-La-La-La-La~~ I'm not listening!!", Larry covered his ears, dramatically kicking his legs as he walked with sal.

"It's not a stupid idea! I'm going to talk to him! He needs support", Sal said, as they entered the quiet highschool.

"What he needs- Is to get hit in the head with a metal baseball bat", Larry scoffed. Still trying to argue against his friends stupid idea.

"I get you had him, but jeez your threats are violent. Just... Stay out of my way today okay? I don't need your help. Please just go", Sal said trying to push him, but not making much difference in the distance between them.

"... What if you get hurt, Sal... ", Larry gave out a sad sigh as they walked over to their lockers. "I'm supposed to be protecting you"

"Please Larry...", Sal seemed desperate.

"Okay... Okay fine... I'll see you in class. Please be safe", Larry gripped onto his backpack straps and waked down the hallway out of sight.

And almost like clock work, Travis walked into the building. His right eye, swollen and purple, A cut oh his lip and a red mark slashed against his face.

"Travis....", The blue haired boy mumbled to himself.

Travis stared at the ground, grinding his teeth as he started to come towards were Sal was before looking up... Seeing the blue haired boy in his path. Sal stayed quiet.

"What do you want, freak?!", Travis Barked at him.

"Surprised to see you here.... I thought you said if your face was that bad... You'd kill yourself", Sal chuckled, leaving Travis baffled.

"You got a problem?!", Travis dropped his backpack to the ground, getting ready to fight if he had to.

Sal held his hands up, backing up into the locker in a slight panic.

"Travis- I- I just want to talk- I'm sorry. That was out of poor taste- can we just talk?", Sal blurted out, still holding up his hands.

"Why the fuck would you want to talk to me?", Travis took a step closer to the poor blue haired boy.
"Travis... Are you okay?", Sal turned his head to the side, still scared. Knowing that, there was still a chance Larry was watching him... And now would be a good time for him to pop out...

"Why would you care anyways?!", Travis seemed mad now.
"... Travis... Your eye-", Sal held out his index finger up to the swollen eye. "I just want to know if everything is okay at home?-"

And then it hit him. Travis. He, He had been as bad as his father. He was the same. Travis took a step away, looking down at his hands, almost in disbelief.

Travis stood there, his eyes slowly widening.

".... Dude- are you okay?", Sal said in a hushed whisper.

The blonde stayed silent as tears started to form in his eyes, his face becoming red.

"Fuck you.", Travis managed to huff out before picking up his backpack and walking to the boys bathroom, his head hanging low.

Sal wasn't sure if he should follow him or go back to Larry ..... Depending on what he chose could change how things turned out forever- change the system of time itself. As small as this decision really was. It was tearing up at Sal.

The blue haired boy set his backpack down at his locker with a sigh, running off to the bathrooms after the poor blonde and slowly opening the door

to see Travis, standing infront of the bathroom mirror, leaning on the sink, talking to himself in a mumbled whisper.

"You fuck everything up, Travis. You can't do one simple task. You can't be nice for once! This is why dad hates us....", Travis talked to himself, a tear rolling down his cheek. Obviously not seeing Sal, and if he had, he just ignored him.

This was it. Either Sal could walk in and talk to him, and risk getting is ass beat. Or walk away and try another time. If there even would another time. But if Travis knew what Sal just heard, it probably wouldn't have been good. But, we wouldn't have even known.

But what would he even say? With a sign, and a lump forming in his throat, Sal ended up closing the door and walking back to his locker to grab his backpack and go on his way to find Larry. It was pointless, Sal tried, he really did, and he wanted to help. But doing something like that would have been completely pointless if Travis wasn't willing to put in the same effort.

I Wish You'd Just Shut Up Already (completed)Where stories live. Discover now