Next time

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"How was your day, darling?", Travis's mother asked as soon as he had opened the car door and sat down in the passenger seat.

"It was good...", Travis grinned, his mom gently grabbing his cheek to face him towards her.

"Your black eye is getting better. Let's try to keep it that clear, okay buddy?", She patted his head and turned the car on.

Travis nodded in response, buckling his seat belt and then they were off.

"Why'd you pick me up, again?", Travis turned to look at her.

"I'm gonna drop you off at one of my friends house. Your father hasn't been in a good mood lately, and I don't want to leave you there alone with him", She said in a quaky voice, scratching the back of her hand.

"Oh- makes sense", Travis gulped.

If he wasn't there to take any of the damage, anything that happened would be forced up against him mom. She was already sick enough, mentally and physically. This worried Travis.

He looked out the window as they went past the busy street of students walking home, and people walking their dogs, or going for runs. Finally, the car parked infront of a tall eerie apartment building.

"We're here. I'll walk you in", His mother put the car in park and got out, Travis following.

"She's a really nice lady, and she has a son around your age! Maybe you can make a new friend", His mother said joyfully, grabbing onto her son's hand and walking towards the building.

"How do you know her, anyways?", Travis looked up at her.

"We have book club together. She's very sweet. You're gonna like her, I know it", They made their way into the building, lines of rooms going down hallways on each side, an elevator, that they walked into, parallel to the front door.

His mother pressed a button, and the elevator started moving... Down.

It finally opened, exposing the large basement.

"Ah! Hello dear! My son isn't home yet. He's walking home today!", A woman with long brown hair pulled into a loose ponytail, with bags under her eyes, walked over to them.

"Awh, That's alright", His mother let go of Travis's hand, leaning into a hug with the woman, embracing her empathy.

"You must be Travis. I've heard alot about you", The woman said, once she let go of Travis's mother, bending over and placing her hands on her knees.

"My home is your home, and don't forget that", She continued.

Travis smiled softly. He felt... Safe. Safer than one shoul be when they first meet someone, first got to there home. But here, he felt comfortable.

"Thank you so much for doing this...", Travis's mom placed her hand on Lisa's shoulder and facing her son. 'I love you darling, I'll pick you up later tonight if I have the chance but you might have to stay the night.... Call me if you need anything", His mother bent down, placing a kiss on her son's forehead and walking back into the elevator.

"Thank you again, Lisa, I really couldn't thank you enough", She held her hands together, and with that, the doors shut.

"I hope you're doing okay", The woman brushed herself off with a smile. Then held out her hand for Travis to grab.

He hesitantly grabbed onto her and walked with her to a door.

"This is my son's room, you can wait in here til he gets home", She opened the door, swinging it open.

"Call out if you need anything, okay?", Travis walked into the room, the woman staying where she was.

"Oh, dreadful etiquette. I apologize", She giggled. "I'm Lisa. Nice to meet you dear. I'll be in the living room if you need anything."

I Wish You'd Just Shut Up Already (completed)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя