Please Don't Leave

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Abby and Travis walked down the street together, holding hands and chit-chatting on their way to school.


Sal and Larry were already at school, Larry in the art room, working on a piece he never got to finish, And Sal just standing at his locker, waiting for Ashley to get there.


"Okay, I'll see you later", Travis kissed Abby's forehead once they entered the school hallways.

"Okay! I love you, Travis!", She said walking off.

"I love you too...", Travis sighed and walked over to his locker.

"Can we please talk.", Sal muttered, walking up behind him.

"What do you want to talk about?", Travis didn't even look at him.

"Why do you hate me all of a sudden?", Sal choked on his words.

"Oh my god, I don't know hate you. Now leave me alone!", Travis slammed his locker door shut.

"Travis?-", Sal was obviously close to tears, but the blank expression on his prosthetic face made it hard for Travis to see how much damage he was really doing.

"Can you just go?", Travis finally turned around to look at him.

"Only is you promise me you'll talk to me after school"

"Okay, Whatever"


"Okay, fine, promise, just get out of my face."


"Do you wanna come to my place...", Sal walked up to Travis in the hallways after school.

"I can't"

"Travis... You promised, come on, dude...", Sal sighed.

"I'm doing this thing with my girlfriend tonight"

"But you... Promised...", Travis had already walked out when Sal managed to get the words out of his mouth.

"It's not worth it", Larry walked up behind him.

"I can still try ...."


"Hey, Darling", Travis walked up to Abby, cringing at the words that had just come out of his mouth.

"Oh, hi!", She said, hugging onto him.

"Are you excited?!", Abby looked up at him.

"Of course I am!", Travis forced a smile on his face.

He wasn't really that excited. There was a dance going on at his church that night, and he had known for weeks, but didn't want to go, he had no reason, and he hated the church, so why should he go?

But then Abby invited him... Maybe if his father saw the two together he wouldn't look like such a disappointment. Maybe he would... Like him now.

"I'll see you later tonight then", Abby have Travis a peck on the cheek and walking off on her own way.

Travis sighed and made his way back to his house, alone. At least his father would be happy he was going to one of the church events... He hoped.


"Are you almost ready?", Kenneth groaned, but he was in a slightly better mood than usual.

"Yeah, I'm really", Travis said, buttoning up his shirt and turning over to his dad.

"Alright. Let's go then. I don't want us to be late"


"Uh- Dad... This is... Abby, the girl I've been talking about"

"Nice to meet you, Sir!", Abby nodded, the warmest smile pressed against her face.

"No need for fancy labels, Kenneth is just fine", His dad smiled back.

Abby turned over to Travis.

"Do you wanna dance?", She asked.

"... I don't feel like dancing yet...", Travis sighed.

"That's fine", Abby grabbed onto Travis's hands.

"Here, come with me", She whispered.

"... How do you know about this place?", Travis said, entering a small room that Abby ha led him to.

"I've have to get tables and chairs from here for activity days a few time... It's my little oasis.. I come here whenever I need a break from everything"

"Hm... Weird", Travis said, walking into the room.

The room was long and narrow, stacks of tables and chairs cluttered most of the room, except for a small area where there was a table and two chairs already set up.

"Looks like you come here often", Travis sat down.

"Yeah- I'm normally alone though..m it's nice to have someone else here", Abby sat down across from with, sighing.

"You know", Abby went on, "I really like you- I know we just met buy I feel like I can trust you..."

Suddenly Travis felt an ache in his stomach. He was using her. And he just didn't want to admit it. Evey time he held her all he could think of was Sal, and he felt so uncomfortable kissing her, It just didn't feel right to him.

"... Abby... I- Thank you- but I-"

"Is something wrong?", She tilted her head.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this", He stood up, leaving the room, and Abby, alone.

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