Oh No

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"... Travis?", The blue haired boy walked up to the blonde, tilting his head in confusion. "I didn't know you'd be here", his mask shifted, placing his hands on the couch armrest.

"Oh- I-I-I- uh", Larry nudged him again. "Oh uh, Yeah- my mom dropped me off here for today- she's friends with Lisa", He grunted, trying to not make eye contact... If that's even what you would call it.

"Sal, this is Travis. Travis, Sal-", Lisa walked over to them. Not any of them daring to say they already knew eachother.... Travis's face got hot.

"Well, let's eat!", Lisa spurred, clapping her hands together once with a smile plastered on her face.


Now, Sal and Travis were sitting next to eachother on the floor, they had finished their meals moments ago and had their empty plates next to them.

Lisa, Henry, and Larry were sitting on the couch, staring at the TV, but with Larry constantly looking down at the two boys.

"You paint your nails?", Travis muttered to Sal , resting his head on Sal's shoulder, holding onto one of his hands, staring at the cracking violet nail polish.

"Oh, yeah", Sal chuckled, "I think it's pretty, I can paint your nails sometime if you want", Sal looked over at Travis.

"Oh no- I can't... My dad-", Travis couldn't continue what he was saying, for a loud ringing sound started coming from Lisa's pocket.

  " I'm sorry, I'll be right back", She said, looking at her phone and standing up, walking into her bedroom.

  "What were you saying?", Sal said, holding Travis's hand.

 "Nothing... Nevermind", Travis sat up, moving his hand away.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, not at all... I'm fine.... I'm sorry", Travis mumbled the last bit, taking his head off the blue haired boy's shoulder.

After a few minutes, Lisa came back out of her room, phone in hand, just staring down at it.

"Is everything okay?", Henry asked.

"Mhm!", Lisa kneeled down next to Travis, placing her hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, something came up and your mom wants you to stay the night...", She whispered. "Is that alright with you?"

Travis was silent for a second.

"Okay- that's fine...", Travis sighed.

"Sal, do you wanna stay the night here, Travis is gonna be staying over and it might be more comforting for him to have more friends here", Lisa said standing up.

"Hm, sure. Is that okay?", Sal looked over at his dad who gave him a nod in response.

"This is gonna be fun!", Sal said happily.

"Fun....", Larry smiled gently, his words sour in his own mouth.


"Everything's gonna be okay, I promise", Lisa assured Travis as they sat on the couch.

Henry had left awhile ago, and Sal and Larry were in the room, listening to music, while Lisa was talking to Travis, to make sure he felt comfortable during his stay.

"I have clothes you can wear to bed, and for tomorrow", Lisa stood up, brushing herself off.

Travis was still anxious about everything. His mind swirling, wondering if his mom was safe, Wondering if *he* was safe here. Larry was only being nice cause of Lisa, he knew it, but Sal seemed to actually like him... Maybe he could go home tomorrow being able to tell his mom he made two friends....

And if not, he can always go home saying he made one.

I Wish You'd Just Shut Up Already (completed)Where stories live. Discover now