Come Back

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*~After School The Next Day~*

"I'm sorry, I just don't feel safe at my house anymore", Travis huffed after school, as him, Sal, and Larry walked down the road.

"It's fine, dude. Don't worry about it", Larry placed his hand on Travis's shoulder. Sal nodding in agreement.

Travis smiled gently, his heart sinking at the sudden touch.


"Are you doing alright though? I know alot is happening right now-", Sal and Travis where sitting on Sal's bed.

"I don't know- I feel sick almost every day- It hurts... I feel like I have no one to go to now-"

"You always have me-", Sal interrupted, scooting closer to Travis, his hand on the blonde's leg.

"I know. But I can't spend all my time here- My dad- has almost gotten better since she... Left... He's never home. But hates it when I'm out all the time. He still hits me every once and awhile- buy since he's never home, he never gets the chance"

Sal nodded.

"Remember, to can always call or text me if you need me. I'm always here for you. I care about you- I love you"

"Yeah- I love you too", Travis sighed. "I just don't think you love me as much as I love you...", He muttered under his breath, Sal not even realizing he was saying anything in the first place.


"... I should go-", Travis said in the middle of the two's conversation.

"Why? Is something wrong?", Sal seemed a little confused.

Sal's hand on placed on Travis's thigh as they talked, and what Sal hadn't realized is that he hadn't spoken, and had been staring off into space for almost half an hour.

"No- it's just late- And I don't want my dad to be too mad at me-", Travis moved Sal's hand,and stood up awkwardly.

"Oh- okay..."

*~~2:26 am~~*

"Hughnn~~", Sal groaned, rolling over to answer his phone that had awoken his with it's lowed buzzing sound.

"Hello?~~", Sal trailed off.

"I'm sorry- I know you're sleeping but you said I could call you if I need too", Travis was on the other line.

"Oh, yeah- what's up?", Sal sat up, forcing himself awake.

"Come to the church. Okay", And then he hung up.


Travis closed his phone, putting it in his pocket.

He was on the front lawn of it again, staring at the sky, He hoped. He finally had the confidence. He thought, at least, to tell Sal how he felt... Maybe- just Maybe....

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