Ms. Packerton's Bologna

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3rd person Pov:

Sal was sitting at one of the lunch tables, his masks blank expression staring down at the plastic tray that had two pieces of bread and... A slice of "Bologna" slapped onto it.

"I feel like I'm going to be sick just looking at it-", Larry covered his mouth as he hovered above Sal.

  Sal pushed the tray away from him, and into the center of the table. All his friends just staring quietly. Probably one of the first times they had ever been this quiet.

"You know we really should be calling the cops about this right?!", Todd scooted closer to his blue haired friend, Obviously in some sort of distress.

"No. The cops can't be trusted around here... They're... Weird-", Sal spoke up.

"Sal- They're police. Of course they're weird! But the whole reason of their existence is to hel-", Todd got cut off.

"We aren't calling the fucking cops", Sal raised his hand at Todd with a sigh.

"Whatever man-", Todd shook his head in disagreement.

The lunch room was loud with students chatting all around the room, except one table sat silent.

The table two down from where Sal and his crew sat was a blonde haired boy, sitting down by himself with a small stack of flyers sitting on the table next to his lunch tray.

Travis Phelps. The school bully.

The only person who dated sit close to him was the new kid, and yet, he still sat on the other side of the table. Not daring to make conversation.

From what everyone knew, Travis didn't have any friends, Unlike most bullies from the films, who had a crew of other mean people at their feet. In this case though, everyone just stayed away from him if they could.

The boy sat at the table, eating a bologna sandwich with a small smile on his face... If only he knew what he was eating.

Sal looked around the room out of boredom, blocking out the noise from his friends as they talked about- well, whatever it was they were talking about.

Sal sighed, staring at the boy, almost feeling bad for him. But in the end, all Travis did was taunt him.

Calling him slurs whenever he walked past, Travis had even punched Sal not too long ago after class- his cheek still hurting from it. It probably would have hurt a lot less if his mask hadn't pressed into his face during the collision, probably leaving a mark, not like he didn't have any already though.

Sal rested his head on the table, his arms around his head, blocking everyone out.

"You alright dude?", Larry sad, grabbing onto Sal's shoulder in a comforting sort of manner.

"I'm fine-", Sal said muffled, Swatting there air as if to try to hit a fly.

"Hmm...", Larry tilted his head with a sigh, keeping his hand in place.

"You seem sad", Ash poked the top of Sal's head.

"I'm just tired..."

I Wish You'd Just Shut Up Already (completed)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum