Unfinished Paintings (part 2)

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Hours had passed while Sal and Larry were in the basement, doing what they normally did. Listening to music, or just talking about random stuff that came up on the top of their mind.

"It's getting late-", Larry yawned, stretching out his arms as he sat hunched on the bean bag placed neatly on the floor.

Sal glanced at the clock that sat on Larry's table. He was right, the clock read 1:14. He really had been there long... And he hadn't even seen his dad at all today. And he was probably already asleep by this time.

"Oh shit- you're right-", Sal huffed, picking himself off the bed and swinging his backpack over his left shoulder.

"Do you want me to walk you to your apartment?", Larry looked up at the blue haired boy, who was still wearing his prosthetic with a blank expression carved into it.

"No- I'm fine", Sal said kinda muffled. He looked at Larry as he walked to the door. "I'll see you tomorrow dude"


The door squeaked quietly as Sal opened the door to his apartment room, all the lights off. He stomach filling with guilt as he saw and empty plate sitting on the coffee table and another sat right beside it with a a scoop of noodles and spaghetti sauce plopped on top of it.

Sal shut the door behind him, with a long sigh.

He knew that the full plate, that must have been sitting there for around two to three hours, was meant for him. While the empty one smeared with nothing but red pasta sauce was his father's....

He hadn't spent much time with his father since they moved in the first place... It was just a hard to communicate with him. He spent most of his time at Larry's cause the blue haired boy didn't like to be alone... But he knew his dad didn't want to either.

And that hurt Sal. His dad had been trying, putting in so much effort, while he wasn't putting in any.

Sal didn't bother turning the lights on in the living room, not the kitchen, he just picked up the plates off the coffee table, setting them down in the kitchen and scraping the full plate of food into the trash.

A waste, I know. But it had been sitting there for who knows how long... He wasn't hungry anyways. And once he was finished and placed them neatly in the sink he sulked off to his room. Dropping his backpack at the door.

Sal climbed into bed, his stomach still churning with guilt as his fluffy orange and white tabby cat jumped up onto the bed, pawing at the crumpled blankets at the end of it.

"Oh hi Gizmo.... Did you at least keep dad company today?", The blue haired boy reached his hands to the back of his head, slowly unclipping his prosthetic mask, letting it fall into his lap, before placing it on his bed side table.

The orange cat just sat and stared at the boy, with a lilted head, almost in confusion.

Sal moved his bangs out of his face, gently tracing his fingers against his old scared wounds, trying to keep back tears.

Not before long he lay himself down, forcing himself to sleep with his cat curled up by his side.

The night was peaceful, while it lasted. Though everyone was dreading the next day of school.

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