I Want You

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"I came as fast as I could, Is everything okay?", Sal said, coming to a stop, resting his hands on his knees. Obviously out of breath from running the entire way.

"I'm fine...", Travis sat up, "Com'ere", Travis said, patting the grass beside him.

Sal nodded, still catching his breath, and sat next to Travis.

"So- why did you want me here again?... It's like three in the morning-", Sal huffed.

"I couldn't sleep.... And I didn't want to be alone", Travis sighed, staring at the twinkling stars above him.

"Fair enough", Sal said, looking up towards the sky.

"Are you doing alright? I'm honestly worried about you. You just seem so off lately-"

"Sal.", Travis said, looking back down, taking both of he blue haired boys hands in his own.

"Is everything okay?", Sal's mask shifted slightly, his hair down, flowing as the breeze swept by.

"Sal... I love you-"

"... I love you too, Travis?-"

"No... Sal."

"Am I... Missing something-"

"Sal- I love you more than that."

"I love you the mostest!", Sal giggled.

"... I love you... More than friends... "



"Sal- I... I have never felt this way about anyone before. That thing with Abby, It wasn't real. It was just some lame excuse to get me dad to like me- to try and force this heterosexual relationship onto me. Hoping it would fix me- But Sal. I don't want her. I never did, and I never will. And I'll never want someone like her, I want you- and just you. I feel happy when I'm with you, and I feel like I can be my true, authentic self. I feel... Safe. Every time you hold me, or brush my hair out of my face, gave me butterflies. I've- I've liked you since the day I saw you. And my feelings only grew stronger- But.. I know these feelings are wrong- but with you. With you, Sal. It feels right... I feel like I belong", Travis rambled on.

"Travis...", Sal was almost in tears. What was wrong with him... Was, was this real? Was he going crazy?.

The words weren't coming to Sal, all he could do was burst into tears, pulling Travis into a hug. The silence embrace of the two, until Sal pulled away, and broke that sweet silence.

"Travis. It's not wrong. It's normal to feel this way. Nothing is wrong with you, I promise. No matter what your dad says", He was grabbed onto Travis's hands once again.

".... So?", Travis looked at him, tears and forming in the corner of his eyes.

"So?", Sal repeated, confused. "Oh... Travis... You're. You're really nice..."

"Oh. I see where this is going", Travis forced a smile against his face.

Sal shook his head.

"You're really nice. I feel happy when I'm with you, and I love making you feel safe, that's all I want. And... Every time I wrapped my arms around you, held you close to me, every time I brushed the hair out of your face, to look into your eyes... Every time I held your hand, it... Made me happy. It really did. And it hurts me, every time I see you sad. I hate it, I really do hate seeing you like this... But", He sighed, so close to tears again.

"But?...", There was a small quiver in Travis's voice.

The silence grew louder, cars driving past, splashing water against the sidewalk, crickets in the distance, rubbing their legs together to make that noise we all well know. And then, Sal took a deep breath, squeezing onto Travis's hand slightly.

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