Just Shut Up Already

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Sal and Travis spent most of the day watching TV or eating untill, at around 3pm, there was a knock at the door.

"Be right there!", Sal yelled, jumping up from the couch and walking over to the front door. When he opened it, Larry stood there awkwardly.

"Oh, hey dude! What's up?", Sal tilted his head, not really caring the door was wide open and his prosthetic was off.

".... Can I come in", He muttered. And with a nod from Sal, Larry stood infront of Travis. staring at him.

"Yeah- I assumed you were here", Larry crossed his arms.

"Is something wrong?-", Travis cleared his throat.

"Your dad's here."

Travis went into a wave of panic.

"What do you mean?", Sal seemed to be concerned as well.

"He's been looking everywhere for you. He's been worried sick. He's in the basement right now with Lisa, I told him I probably knew where you were, and I was right", Larry scoffed.
"Larry- he's not going down there", Sal shook his head.

"Well why not?", Larry seemed upset.

"I don't want to talk about it...", Travis clenched his teeth.

"Well come on. You're dad's waiting"


"Where have you been?!", Kenneth yelled as soon as Travis and the other two boys had gotten down into the basement.

"I-I", Travis knew his dad couldn't do anything now.

"I was worried about mom- I didn't know what to do-", Travis's eyes started to water.

".... Travis", Lisa went up behind him, placing her hand on his shoulder.

"We need to talk to you about something", She said in a hushed voice.

"You should sit down for this", Larry spoke up.

Travis looked around the room of sad faces, except for Sal and Travis, who were the only people that were confused about what was going on.

Travis sat down on the couch, Sal sitting next to him, placing his hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

"Travis.", Kenneth grunted, propping himself infront of the two boys.

"She's gone...", It was obvious to Travis that he was trying to hide his smile, he was happy she was dead, he knew it.

"Mom's... D-", Travis's eyes started to water.


Travis was now in the car with his father, on his way home. He wasn't even able to say bye to Sal, or thank him and Lisa for taking him in when he needed help.

"You're the reason she's dead! You drove you to this!" Kenneth yelled.

Travis was already crying in the passenger seat. And if this shit kept up, it wouldn't be long before he saw his mom again.

((OKAY I KNOW THIS IS RANDOM! But I need your Salvis headcanons! Or just Travis and Sal headcanons, literally anything so I can add them into this fic, cause I feel like it's starting to get boring))

I Wish You'd Just Shut Up Already (completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang