Twenty | Proposal

Start from the beginning

"I don't think it would matter, his dad would say no anyway. Just buy you and him rings and ask him" Shikamaru shrugged. Sasuke simply nodded back, starting to think about what the hell he was gonna do.

I could hide the ring in food like in that one movie we he'll probably choke. What an idiot. I also can't get him some super fancy ring, it will probably be dirty by the time he comes home the next day. Maybe a silver band? I could engrave it or something, but what's the point in getting super fancy engagement rings? Hm...

Sasuke was brought out of his thoughts by a smug voice.

"So, my payment?" Shikamaru asked. He had finished his tea and placed the cup down on the table. Sasuke grunted in annoyance, digging his hand into his pant pocket and pulling out a black wallet.

He flipped open the wallet, pulling out a 50 dollar bill and slamming it on the table. He turned to Shikamaru, raining an eyebrow at the hand, which motioned for more.

"Your paying for the tea too, Uchiha" Shikamaru said with a smirk. Sasuke rolled his eyes, pulling out a Twenty and placing it on the table.

"Go ahead and buy yourself some more..asshole" He mumbled the last part to himself, stuffing the wallet back in his pocket while Shikamaru greedily collected his money. 

Sasuke got up, leaving the booth while Shaking his head. Shikamaru waved at him, grinning as he had just won 70 dollars. 


He had decided to get on with the ring shopping and get it out of the way. He told Naruto he would only be out for around an hour, so he had to make it quick. Sasuke soon arrived at a large mall which he knew there was a jewelry store in.

He ignored the stares he got from passing women, most drooling over his appearance. Sasuke knew he was attractive, in fact from a young age he had been asked to do modeling. He would rather be stuck in a hot office all day than be a model, which is exactly what he did. What none of those girls knew was that he had a very specific type, that type being blond haired, blue eyed, marked cheeks, and especially male. At times he wished he had some sort of platform, just so he could tell the world he was gay and had no interest in women.

Sasuke soon arrived at a super expensive jewelry store on the corner right by an escalator. He walked in, going straight to the front counter where a young woman was looking at her phone. She noticed a presence and looked up, catching a very handsome man. 

"H-hello sir, how can I help you?" She asked sweetly, a small pink on her cheeks.

"I'm here for engagement rings" Sasuke responded in a monotone voice, internally smirking when he saw a slight frown.

"Well, here is our most popular collection, is there anything specific your looking for?" She asked, slightly moving over to a display case where a variety of matching rings were placed. He followed her, taking a look at the rings. No, that's not it...too girly, bleh

"Maybe something simple, like two bands" He requested. The woman cocked an eyebrow, but through this, over to a different collection. She reached into the display from her side, pulling out a small leather finger ring display with 6 different rings, three pairs. 

"These are all we really have, but you can customize them" She offered with a smile, placing the display on top of the display for Sasuke to take a look at. 

He slowly examined the rings. One pair were silver with some sort of blue diamond line imbedded all the way around it. The second pair were simple and gold, no other sort of design, though he could tell it was super expensive. The last pair was just silver, much like the gold ones. 

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