"You guys comin' or what?" Jeff suddenly called out, his loud voice breaking the semi-peaceful silence.

Hoodie sighed once again and nodded before moving his grip up to your wrist. He followed after Jeff back to where the fights were as he tugged you along.

The dark, cloudy sky matched the dread you felt perfectly as you saw Sadie get pushed into the center of the field with her club in hand. Hoodie picked up your black metal baseball bat from the ground and handed it to you. He turned to face you as he placed his hands on your shoulders.

"You can do this."

His supposedly encouraging words didn't do much to ease your nerves or make you feel any less terrible, especially when at a quick glance there was still a bloody patch of grass where Emery had just been laying. You slowly nodded as you looked back up at him, only for him to let go of you and motion for you to join Sadie.

Taking small and hesitant steps, you headed towards Sadie who looked just as terrified as you. But a desperate look in her eye is what made you truly worry.

As you wordlessly stared into each other's eyes, you could feel the stares of your captors practically screaming at you to move. You held your bat tightly as your mind fought itself in what you should do. Do you strike first? Or do you wait for her to? Or maybe neither of you would and then they'd drag you back to the house.

"Sadie," Masky's voice cut through the air as he practically snarled, "just fucking do it!"

No one moved at his order until Sadie spoke.

"I-I'm sorry..." she whispered.

Your eyes widened as you barely dodged her swing directed right at your face. As both your heart and mind raced with panic, you finally took your bat and held it up with both hands so that it acted as a shield. A second hit came crashing down against its metal, and you winced at the loud CLANG that resulted from it.

Sadie grunted in frustration before redirecting her club to your legs instead. With your eyes wide and adrenaline keeping you moving, you jumped back just in time for it to fly past you. In a split second decision, you switched your grip on the bat and ran towards Sadie. You swung for her wrist, but she moved out of the way just in time.

You stumbled a bit before regaining your balance only to see her club raised above her head and plummeting right towards the top of your skull. You gasped before managing to block it with your forearm, but you quickly regretted not moving faster as soon as your arm exploded with pain.

"Shit!" You hissed as you returned your bat to its shield-like position. Sadie gave another hit, but her club only collided with your bat and wasted her strength. In a swift readjustment, you brought your bat down and swung it to her side, catching her off guard and sending her tumbling to the ground. You swung again, but she quickly copied your shield just in time to block your hit. She shoved you back, causing you to lose your footing and fall backwards.

A sharp pain spread from the back of your head as you barely had enough time to register that you had fallen on a rock. You groaned as your vision spun and grew blurry. You could barely see, but you could see well enough to notice the club flying towards your head once again. You quickly rolled out of the way as you hurriedly felt around for your bat. Something cold and metallic touched your fingertips and you immediately grabbed it. You held it in front of your face as the sound of metal on metal only added to the terrible ache in your head.

Letting out a pain filled yelled as you shoved her back just as she had done to you, you jabbed your bat into her stomach. Having successfully knocked the breath out of her and sent her to the ground, you knelt over her with your bat raised. While panic, confusion, anger, and pain clouded your logic, you brought your bat down onto her skull with as much power as you could muster up.


Blood sprayed onto your face with every hit until the only sound you heard was a sickening squelch. You brought your bat down as many times as you could until your arms burned.

But then you realized who you were hitting.

Your eyes finally focused on who laid beneath you, and through the clumps of black hair and brain matter you processed who's head you had just smashed in.


You had just killed Sadie. You dropped your baseball bat beside her as your arms fell to your side.

"S-S-Sadie...?" You pitifully whispered as your already red and puffy eyes grew even more irritated by your second wave of tears.




Jeff grinned in the distance as his applause only made you cry harder. Sobs racked your body as you could only stare down at Sadie's bloodied corpse. She was dead, and it was all your fault. You couldn't believe yourself, you couldn't believe that you had done that. You had just bashed in Sadie's skull. What happened to you? Why did you do that? Howcould you do that?

Hoodie walked towards you with a frown you couldn't see. His hands were balled into fists as he studied you and the tears you were profusely crying. He was honestly impressed by how quickly you had learned all of that, not to mention your quick reflexes. He was proud of you, if only you felt the same.

He tried to pull you to your feet and away from the scene, but your legs wouldn't keep you up. You couldn't think straight as he tried to get you to stand. You couldn't move, and Hoodie quickly realized that with a sigh. He crouched down before carefully picking you up, one hand under your knees and the other supporting your back.

Not even caring about who was holding you, you curled up in his arms and cried into his shoulder.

No one spoke as you were carried back into the mansion, though you did hear the faint sound of a second pair of footsteps following Hoodie. You were carried down a set of stairs, and once you were set down you saw that you were in the corner of a basement that was set up like a doctor's office. The bright light just above your head made the throbbing in your head even worse as you looked around. You slammed your eyes shut before rubbing them in an attempt to ease your pain. Your vision was still quite impaired, your tears not helping, and the more you though about the pain you were in and what had just happened, the more nauseous you felt.

You clutched your stomach as you struggled to not gag. An annoyed sigh could be heard to your right, and soon enough a bucket was shoved into your hands. You squinted as you opened back up your eyes and looked at the person in front of you, and to your surprise, it was Eyeless Jack. He towered over you especially now that you were sitting, and the eerie void-like eyes of his mask didn't help your current panic. Beside him stood Hoodie who never once took his eyes off of you.

"I have to go help the others, I'll be back soon," he calmly said before glancing to Jack, "she hit her head, make sure she's okay."

You gave no response as you did everything you could to not vomit, while Jack only gave a short nod. Hoodie headed back up the stairs, leaving you alone with the one and only Eyeless Jack. A supposed demon man who ate humans.


And with that thought your breakfast went flying into the bucket.

5.6 pages · 1,996 words

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