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Hi guys sorry for the lack of updating, I just wanted to let you guys know that I have a new book out called Live-in Nanny. 

Blurb:Forbidden  /fəˈbɪd(ə)n/Adj

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Blurb:Forbidden /fəˈbɪd(ə)n/Adj.Not allowed; banned.I saw him. Fell for him and then lost him and myself altogether.Sebastian Taylor, CEO of Taylor Investors and father of two. He's one of the most successful businessmen today, at least that's what Forbes said. Kind-hearted charitable man they called him, it's a joke. He's rude and manipulative, the only thing good about him is that he's a decent father, better than mine though that's not exactly hard. Struggling to make a living in new-york and over-run with the crippling debt left by my mother I had nothing. I was drowning, slipping through the cracks of this busy, busy city. Before she passed my mother worked as a maid, a helper for Sebastian and his wife, it wasn't a great job but it paid well enough. Just as I was about to give up and move back with my father, he saved me. Offering me a position of live-in nanny to his two children, I had met them once before and they seemed nice, a little spoilt sure, but that's expected off of any rich child. It seemed like all of my troubles had been solved but it was the complete opposite. And I found out the hard way that money really doesn't solve everything. To be with him is forbidden but just like Eve with her poison apple it tempted me too, the problem is, is that he's too addictive and sweet to let go of. I can't help being tempted by the devil.The Tropes:- Enemies-to-lovers.-Forbidden Romance.-Billionaire Romance.-Boss/employee.-Celebrity loves commoner.-Older man, younger woman.-Older man, younger woman.-Workplace romance.-Nanny.

Check it out! Love you all bunches! x 

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