Chapter 17- Human Interaction and Attraction

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Authors Note:

Please join me in raising your wands for Helen McCrory and Paul Ritter, to which this book is dedicated. /*


I felt like a fool or rather I am a fool for coming back, for not leaving. I should have left, I still could but I know I won't. I made Draco a promise and I don't lie or break my promises-unlike him. I mentally wouldn't be able to leave anyway, after Tilly realised I didn't leave she went insane, hugging me and crying, whaling about what she would do if I'd ever left again. 

Human interaction is what we all need to survive and in the last two weeks, I've spoken little to no words to anyone except Tilly. As the minute's tick by I feel lonelier and lonelier, I wish I wouldn't have asked him to stay away from me, I shouldn't have been that harsh he did save me and he's protected me. He has no obligation to keep me, he could still change his mind and send me to his leader, but he won't. I spoke back to him and he looked distraught, he looked so broken. He could have used magic to keep me here but he would have let me go and I have to remember that. He hasn't hurt me or threatened me so I should let my anger go but I can't, I'm bitter and hotheaded, I hold grudges so painfully in my heart. 

"How is he, Tilly?" I ask softly as I help Tilly fold up clothes and neatly lay them on my bed, ready for her to deliver them across the tent.

"Not so good, miss Elara. He revived yet another punishment from him." She spits out, not looking up from her delicate folding, her harsh words and her soft actions not correlating. My heart sinks to my feet as if reacting to the earth's magnetic pull. 

"Is he hurting?" I ask.

"Yes." Tilly squeaks, her face falling.

"What can be done?"

"Not much."My palms begin to sweat at my sides. 

"Is he lonely too?"My voice sounds desperate. 


"Can you tell me where to find him?"I question my tiny friend. 


She puts the washing down and hops off the small stool with the grace of an elephant landing with a minuscule thud. "He's in the living room, would you like me to take you to him?" She asks.

I shake my head and bend down. "No thank you, Tilly. Is his mother about?" 

"She's in the drawing-room."

"Okay, I'll be back soon, Tilly." I rise and make my way to the makeshift door Draco installed when I insisted on privacy two weeks ago, my legs tremble and my sweaty hands shake with nerves. I haven't seen Draco since our argument, will it be awkward? Will he tell me to go? Will he be angry or glad? Questions swarm my mind until I reach the corner just before the living room. I rest my back on the large wooden pole in the middle of the tent, my breathing quickens as I try and figure out what I'm going to say to him. I can't do this, it's too soon, I'm not done being mad at him, I was 'saved' to be someone pet and I don't think I will ever forget that fact. 

I step forwards my back leaving the support of the wood and my legs ache, my aching heart flips on its axis when I hear a sharp hiss from the living room. What the hell? I walk towards the living room before I can rationalise myself and see a shirtless, very, very shirtless Draco sitting on the green velvet couch. I have to stop myself from gasping at the lines of scars decorating his rippled form. He shifts in his space and twists his beaten body in an awkward position revealing an opened wound he is trying to spell shut. The room is in near darkness except for the fire, casting a perfect orange glow reflecting off his pale body, like a spotlight. His curtain of hair shielding his face from my view but it's no doubt scrunched with pain.

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