Chapter 5- Concerns and Constellations

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Please make sure that you read the Authors Note at the end for a shoutout!


"What is the name of Merlin are you doing, muggle?" Draco calls from behind me. I jump out of my bones and turn around at my newly-healed companion. It took him a while to be up and walking again but with potions from Tilly, he regained strength and fixed himself with a spell I have no business remembering.

"Reading." I mutter, looking down at the book labelled 'The Wizarding History'.

"Yes, I can see that, Little Muggle. I meant why?" He rasped out, his tone fed up.

"I find it quite enlightening, it was on your bedside table and I thought that it would be helpful to learn about your world. You seem to know a great deal about mine so I thought it would be of vast ignorance to not want to know about yours. I hope you don't mind, Draco, I truly didn't mean to steal anything of yours." I say softly worried about offending him more, he was resting after extensive torture to his body and while he was out I stole from him, how could I be so horrid?

I look up at him, expecting to see anger or at least frustration but all in saw was awe and guilt and potentially sadness. He sat without a word and looked up at me after a few seconds.

"You remind me of someone, Little Muggle." He said in a monotone voice, looking down at his fidgeting hands.

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I ask, looking at his twitching hands, I wish I could stop the nervous movements taking ahold of his body.

"I'm not sure." He said silently. "She was a powerful witch, the brightest witch of her age, always had her head in a book. And like you she was a muggle-born but she possessed the power of magic like I. You remind me of her, her smile, her courage, her willingness to learn, her passion, her fire." He whispered as if it had been a crime to talk about her, I wonder if he loved her? I have never heard someone be so

"Did you love this girl?" I ask.

"God no. I was just envious of her, maybe not her friends or her hair but her whole personality, I was horrible to her, called her disgusting names based on her family. I feel I played a part in what happened to her." He swallowed, guilt gripping his body further his jaw tensed and his hands fuss further, I reach forward and grip his hands in my own catching his sad, sad eyes.

"What did happen to her, Draco?" I softly breathed out, my hands tightening in a comforting squeeze around his in.

"She disappeared. After Harry died, she and Ron fled for protection, or at least I hope they lived. They are hope, a hope that we all can have a better future, that you can have a better future, one without magic, one with coffee shops and stupid Muggle shit." He mumbled, removing his hands from my own. My heart swelled up at his guilty conscience as he padded towards the kitchen, stopping at my words.

"Your father is in this book, Draco. Lucius Malfoy I belive. He sounds wickedly horrid, like the stuff of nightmares. He's your father but I can tell that the green apple fell as far, far from the tree. To my knowledge of having the pleasure of your company in these last few weeks, I know that you are not a bad man, Draco. Some might class you as the villain but you want to know what I think?" I ask shakily afraid to upset or offend him, but I know it needed desperately to be said, reading of his father unlocked knowledge about him that should have made me feel sorry for him and yes in some way it did but overall it opened my eyes at how strong and brave this man in front of me really is. How much he's had to battle, how many scars he gained only to come out the other side still fighting.

"I think you're a Hero. Possibly not a conventional one but nevertheless a Hero. You saved me, you're my Hero and to you that might not be much but to me it's everything.  If the whole world thinks that your a villain just know that I know will challenge every single one to convince them differently. You might have made mistakes but that's life, you made a decision to not be your father, and Draco, that is everything. Please remember that next time you feel guilty, you're my Hero, My reason I am alive standing here today. You are my Savrior. " I looked at his tense back, stood a few feet from him.

He turned slowly, looking at me with tears in his stormy eyes.

"Would you like to look at the stars with me, Little muggle?"He cautiously made his way over to me and stopped a few feet away from me, extending a calloused hand towards me.

"I would be honoured, My saviour" I smiled warmly, taking his outstretched hand, following him to the entrance and out to the tent.

The cold night air blanketed my burning body as I followed Draco further and further into the night, we stopped and he pulls out his wand muttering a spell conjuring a blanket on the dry grass. I have seen him create potions and spells many times but this time seems so bittersweet, my eyes are trained on him in amazement, the concept of spells and magic still ignites a child-like wonder on my star-lit face.

He pulls me down to join on the soft- throws covering a small portion of this wide field, I lay down next to him and look up at the midnight-sky in astonishment at all of the crystal dots covering the vast endless space. I breathe out at how prefect this moment is, how perfect the stars are, how perfect the company is. I look over at Draco to see him already staring at me, his face lit up with the light of the moon and a thousand stars giving his pale completion an angelic glow, I smile at him and reach out to touch his perfectly sculpted face, the pads of my fingers making contact with his freshly-shaved face, I caress my saviours face in affection, moving closer to him, soaking up his body heat. His glowing eyes looking all over my face in such tenderness it makes my body tingle. He grabs my hand and presses it on his chest over his heart, shooting delicate, passionate shockwaves through my veins.

"You really are something special, Muggle." I feel my cheeks burn with his compliment, he smiles at the colouring on my cheeks. His smile. My gosh, his perfectly crooked smile melts every cell in my body, his dimples pop out and his face lights up with no help from the natural glow of the night sky. Utterly breathtaking.

"Thank you for everything, Draco." I expel.

Instead of replying he pulls me closer and closer until I reach his upper-body, I delicately lay my head down on his warm chest, my ear thumping with his rapid heartbeat, I smile to myself and look up at the stars in the sky, the balls of energy being witness to my over-whelmed being, witness to the compaction of our moment. I shut my eyes and fall slowly asleep under the stars on my Wizards chest with a smile.


Authors Note:

Guys! Guys! I am so thankful you could not even fathom how grateful I am for all of the funny and kind comments, votes, reads and kind private messages from you guys!

We hit 100 reads today and I could not be prouder of you guys, thank you for reading my book, I really want to create a list of you guys who read my book first, so those of you who would like a shout out please comment on this chapter and I will do a huge shoutout and thank you at the start of Chapter 6.

I am so thankful for every single one of you guys, you are so amazing!

Thank you again!

- Stepf

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