Chapter 10- Hello Little One

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I cried out as she threw my hood back and pulled me up from the safety of the chair by my hair. I made eye contact with Draco, his face the picture of fear and anger, I whine when she pulled me closer to her, tugging at my brown roots tighter, away from my head. Draco took a step forward in warning and she pulled me into her body. 

"Hello, little one." She laughed out, running the back of her boney finger down my face, I struggled against her and tried to throw my body forwards out of her grip until she dragged her sharpened finger down my cheek ripping the skin away and leaving a trail of my blood. I whimper loudly thrashing again trying wildly to get away from this madwoman. I froze the moment I felt something sharp stabbing at my throat, I knew what it was, I expected it but I had to make sure anyway. I moaned in fear at the sight of the strange wand aimed at my jugular pushing deep into my reddening neck. Tears leaked out of my eyes and my body froze in pure terror. I haven't experienced much in my mundane life but I don't think I have ever been this scared, I looked at Draco's in desperation and his face dropped when he sensed my fear. 

"Let her go, Carrow." She laughed again, pulling me up higher, up off the ground using my hair as the handle, my scalp pluses aching for release from the vice grip. I let out a panicked wail when my feet could no longer touch the floor, my feet dangled a few inches above the white tiles. I thrashed my legs around trying frantically to make contact with the ground again but the only thing I actually succeeded in doing was ripping my hair further from my scalp.

"Let her go, Carrow! Let her go and we can forget about your attempted getaway." Draco shouted hysterically, his wand firmly in his hand, his knuckles achingly white. Desperation gripping every nerve in his body as still as Narcissa resting silently in the corner but as calculated as any warrior would be.  

"You called me a traitor, you let them torture me! You deserve the torture, filthy blood traitor! You were so quick to suggest the Curcio curse, lets see how much she likes it!" She screamed out painfully. I knew her voice came with a promise of pain but before I could rake my brain for the meaning of the spell, I was thrown to the floor I sighed out in relief that my scalp had been released from its wicked grip until I wasn't sighing in relief, I was screaming in pain.

 My head spun and my vision blurred, tears streamed out of my eyes and wails of pain escaped my mouth, my body shook and thrashed on the floor, out of control like my body wasn't my own. Pain rippled through my veins, my nails scraped on the hard varnished tiles, I scaped until my nails were broken and bloody but the pain still remained giving no sign of stopping.  The pain was unbearably but my true fear was losing myself to this curse just like Draco lost his mother. 

"I swear to god I will kill you! I will fucking kill you! Stop It!" I could faintly hear Draco's voice over my screams and broken sobs, I want to die, I need to die. I just want the pain to stop, I don't know how long it's going to go on for. Through blurry eyes I could see dark outlines struggling against each other, I could hear screams mixed with my own, so much noise, so much chaos, so much pain. My mind was fuzzy, my thoughts run wild and my every cell infused with pain.

I heard the loud thud of a body thrown down next to me I looked to see Draco, his nose bleeding but his power to fight still very clear, I tried to smile at him, smile through my pain but I guess you can only smile through so much. My body felt exhausted and my will is slowly dimming, I try to get up, I try to push up on my arms but they collapse and I hit the floor again, sobbing and helpless. The worst feeling in the world is helplessness, nothing that I can do to stop this cruel, cruel torment on both my body and mind. Draco shoves himself up from the floor lunging himself at his target, the world becoming too blurry to make out anything but the pain my body has been subject to for what feels like an eternity. 

And then all at once all my suffering, my internal struggle faded. Stopped so abruptly it took my breath away, I relax my body, relax into the floor. I try to move my limbs to get up, I try to get up and look to see who won, my torture has ceased so one of them won the fight but I fear who it wasn't my blonde wizard. My muscles are weak, strained, positively exhausted. I whimper trying to move my body but it doesn't seem to want to cooperate with me. I feel so drained, so weak, so empty. I wonder if it's meant to feel this way.

"Draco" A let out a breathy whisper and scan the room through a curtain of tears, looking for a mop of blonde hair. I can't see him, in this white room full of the bare minimum I can't see him, why can't I see him?

"Draco" I moan out again, my body crying out in pain as I try and lift my head. How am I going help Draco when I can't even lift my head? Weak.

I shut my eyes and cry. 

What else can I do?

I sob for me.

I sob for Isobel.

I sob for Narcissa and the life that was ripped from her. From both of us.

But most of all I sob for my broken Saviour.

I jump when hands softly grip my arms, my eyes fly open and I gasp at the person in front of me. I can't be. 

Draco's Muggleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें