Chapter 14- Kiss and Make up?

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Elara's pov:

When I opened my eyes, I expected heaven. Literal heaven, like an old guy with a beard and a deep voice welcoming me to a peaceful existence or even a long staircase leading up to mighty golden gates into the promise land.

But I didn't expect to open my eyes and be in our tent.

Back in this green uncoordinated bombshell, back in the most expensive silk covers. I was also unprepared for the wave of nausea and the painful hum of the aftershocks of whatever curse I was subject to. Had Draco come back for me? Well, obviously smart ass. But why? Why risk his life again for a muggle? Especially if what Narcissa was true, that he truly hates muggles.

"That was so stupid, Little Muggle,"

"No, it was smart," 

He had definitely come back for me. Stupid fool. 

"Oh, your awake!" The familiar voice squeaked up at me from the end of my bed. Looking over-careful not to move my sore muscles too much- I saw my cute little companion. My small Tilly in her little blue dress with the biggest smile plastered over her huge face and red-rimmed marble eyes. 

"Tilly," I muttered, relief flooding my body and emotion crashing at me all at once. "I thought I would never see you again, "I spoke softly watching her eyes fill and fill until they spill down her cheeks creating tracks of overpowering emotion. 

"M-miss Elara." That was all Tilly said as she threw herself into my arms, I held in my grunt of protest and fought against the pain as she squeezed her delicate arms around my body, trembling and raking with tears.

 "Master Draco told me what happened. We thought you might not make it. Master Draco told mes to be prepared for the worst. I have been working around the clock to make Miss Elara better again, Master Draco has been in here trying too." She wailed out dramatically and even though my whole body screamed at me not to, I wrapped my arms around her and stroked her small back softly, calming this beautiful creature experiencing an emotional break down due to my wellbeing. I have never met such a complicated and loving creature in my entire life. 

"Tilly, I was reading a muggle book on torture of the mind and I have found-" I heard my saviour from behind the curtain, sectioning of my bedroom from the rest of the tent. I saw his strong tattoo before I saw the real thing, my heart smiled and my mind raced. Affection and gratitude swarmed my aching mind as his long pale fingers curled around the thin green curtain. 

The curtain pulled back revealing a scruffy looking man, his beard looks at least two weeks old and his hair looking scruffy, his eyes look worn and his clothes look as if they have been worn for at least a week- not to mention the paleness of his skin and the dark bruises scattered around dotting different parts of his arms and probably other places that aren't visible to the naked eye. The book he's holding is abruptly released from his hand and hits the floor with a loud bang! Causing both me and Tilly to jump. 

Draco's sharp features fall away and are replaced with one of relief, the lines of stress faintly outlined. He looks like hell.

"She's awake! She's awake, Master Draco!" Tilly jumps up to fast, causing me to cry out involuntary, unable to keep the moans of pain in, Draco rushes over and picks up Tilly placing her down on the floor the same way one would place a toddler down. 

"Are you okay?" He asks. His voice hoarse as if he hasn't used it in eternity, his hands go to either side of my head and he stays still but his eyes flicker over me. 

"Better than you by the looks of it." I smile at him and try to sit up a little before Draco places his cold hand on my stomach pushing me softly down back into the soft bedding.

"Stay put, Little Muggle. You took quite the beating, been asleep for two weeks. We started questioning if you were in a coma or worse." 

Two weeks.

I've been asleep for two weeks of my life.

"That explains the scruffiness of you and that mess you call a beard on your chin." He laughs slightly before turning to Tilly. 

"Get me some food for Elara and some more healing potion- It should take better now that she's awake." 

"Yes, Master Draco." Tilly squeaks out, wiping her overflowing eyes before popping softly out of the makeshift room, leaving Draco and me alone. 

"Two weeks, huh?" I muttered awkwardly, his hand still resting on my stomach sucking in most of my attention, the waves of comfort transferred from his touch is unbelievably overwhelming. 

"Yep. Two weeks. It was very stupid of you to sacrifice yourself like that- Like your life had less value than my mothers."

"I was dragging her down, she deserved a life, especially after what your father did to her. And you needed your mother." 

"But I needed you too, Little Muggle." He murmured, his body getting closer and closer to my own, so close that I could feel his warm body against my own, so close that I could feel his breath brush against my cheek. My breathing stuttered and I froze, any thoughts of pain faded completely from my brain, leaving my mind free to throw around chaotic thoughts of this handsome man in front of me. 




So close that I shut my eyes and slowly, so painfully slowly I leant into him. His hand snaked from the centre of my stomach to around my waist and my heart rate quickened, his other hand slid up and held the side of my face. This tipped it. This was the confirming action conformed that I want him. Nothing else matters except him. Him and his dangerous arura. My body flushed with need. Need to feel his body against my own, his perfect lips against my own. I need to know how he feels, how he tastes. I could imagine he might taste like a sweet sweet forbidden obsession. An obsession I'm willing to lose or find myself in.

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