Chapter 12- Where is she?

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Draco's pov:

"Where is she?" 

"I'm sorry, Draco" My mother softly spoke reaching her arm out to my arm but I step back out of her range denying contact with my mother aches my racing heart but we will have time to rekindle our parental relationship when we are not standing in the middle of Diagon Ally.  

"Where is she?" My hands tremble as I pull at my distressed roots, I'm always getting this stupid muggle out of trouble, I should have just let her die it would certainly make life a whole lot easier. 

"Draco." My mother soothes me as if her kind words and delicate touches are somehow going to inform me of my muggles whereabouts. I asked my mother if she could do one thing for me. One fucking thing. Get her out of there while I was obviating Alecto and clearing and escape route. Fuck! 

"Where the fuck is she?!" My mother flinches back and trembles rip through her small body as my fist connects with the brick wall instantly splitting the skin open on impact. I just let the blood seep out, dripping down my arm and fall to the floor. I lower my head down and watch the crimson drop pooling at my feet, breathing deep through my clenched jaw willing myself to think before I attempt anything suicidal. Shit! It must be bad if I'm thinking fucking Gryffindor thoughts, maybe I should think about suicide, rather that than be a suicidal twat

"The corridor at the end of intensive care." My mother's small voice creaks out, my head snaps up connecting our eyes, tears of sadness escape and fall down her scrunched face. 

Before I can rationalise what I'm doing I take off running. 

"Draco!" My mother screams after me, warning me of my foolishness but it's too late to go back now. The corridors become a blur of brown wood and stupid posters, my chest tightens uncomfortably the further and further, I go with no sign of Elara. I'm risking my life for a stupid muggle. I should just leave. I should but I know that my thoughts would trap me here until I find her and keep her safe.

"Elara!" I shout slowing down just enough that the wind is not swirling around my ears and blocking out sounds or voices. Her voice.

"Draco!" I heard faintly. So quietly it was almost a pained whisper. But I heard it. 

"Elara!" I shouted again, my throat dry and throbbing but my voice stays strong begging her to respond again, my body rakes with fear and pure- exhaustion. Every limb begging for rest. But, none of that mattered, I sprint down the corridor and towards the end of the hallway and round the corner. I stop. Freeze dead in my tracks. So abruptly my body sways threatening to collapse. All the breath leaves my body and my aching heart swells when I spot her. Lying on the ground in a bundle of green fabric. Her delicate form shaking with uncontained sobs, her body writhing with pain and sadness and probably fear. Fuck! This is what my promise of protection has amounted to. No wonder nobody trusts me. Hell, I don't even trust myself.  She thinks that we've left her. I didn't waste any more time before sprinting down to her, wanting to have her back in my arms and hold her until my body calms down and relaxes into her. 

"That was so stupid, Little Muggle," I spoke softly and gave into my throbbing knees lowering them to the white tiles, pulling her into my arms. Her face the picture of shock, the drowsy look on her pale face crush me but not as much as her broken whimpers. I pulled her into me just as I had wanted to since I saw her laying small. If her whimpering had killed me then I was six feet under when she curled her trembling fists in my t-shirt. I nearly roared. Fucking roared like an animal!  The feel of her cold hands shivering against my sweating form induced so much anger in me. An emotion I am well acquainted with but not in association with a muggle or a girl for that matter. She sobbed quietly, muffled in the green fabric of my shirt. 

"No, it was smart," She croaked out, her vocal cords sounding audibly dry. I had a smart and somewhat rude comment ready as a comeback but my own mouth betrayed me and wouldn't let me insult her at her weakest. My own body stopping me from insulting someone who is clearly below me. Is she still below me? I don't think she's below me anymore. I need therapy. I've come to the right place. My own brain scoffs at my metal joke. Everything about this girl screams innocence, kindness but that's not who she is. Who I know her to be. My little fighter. She begged my mum to leave her. For me. She was okay with dying if it meant securing me with happiness. I would have never done something so selfless. That's the difference.  

I freeze when she placed her head on my palpitating chest, no doubt listening to my thundering heart giving no hits of slowing down, even a little. My mind spins when I inhale her scent. Her addictive, natural scent. A sent that I can't pinpoint. Her scent reminding me of sunshine at the end of a busy day. 

My grip on her tightens when I hear murmurs from the end of the corridor, I look down once at my little muggle with her head buried in my chest and rise from the floor, Elara securely in my arms, wrapped in the protective muscle, she makes no attempt to move from my arms and with that, I run through the corridors until I reach the exit and see my mother pacing with her hands buried in her dishevelled hair, looking every bit of the madwoman people know her to be. 

"You went back for the muggle?" She mocked, gesturing to the frightened bundle in my arms. 

"Yes." That was all I said. Yes. I went back for my muggle.

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