Chapter 7- New faces and Strange places

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Stepf xoxo


"Where are we going, Draco?" I ask trailing behind his confident form, his long legs pulling him further and further from me.

We have been walking for just over half an hour now with no sign of a destination just this endless forest, I don't mind so much though being out of my safe place is terrifying and amazing, I missed fresh air and walks, I used to regularly walk and hike with Isobel. I miss her, she was like family. Hell, she was my family, she's gone like the rest of them too. Reading about her isn't any easier, I now know what had happened in her life to make her so worn down and tired. She was a hero and I didn't even know, she was a witch and she was my grandmother. Tilly asked me if I was angry about being kept in the dark but I understand the reasons for her secrets, I just wish I could speak to her now, know her as a witch and not just a Muggle.

"Somewhere." He says killing the conversation before it even had a chance to become one. I sigh and keep walking behind him.

"We're not going by portkey again are we?"I whine, dragging my green boots along the floor, my whole body is clad in green, I feel like I'm sponsoring the stupid colour.

"We wouldn't be walking if we were going to use a portkey would we? Silly Muggle." He mocks nonchalantly, his steps never wavering not even for a split second.

After Draco's sarcastic comment we continued our journey in silence, the only difference is that he slowed down slightly giving my short legs a bit of slack. I thought we would be walking for all eternity until he stopped abruptly and rapidly made his way over to me in a stance that I found threatening when we first met but now know is just him, his nature, his natural need to dominate anyone in a room to assert power. He grabs the deep hood of my cloak and pulls it over my head, tucking wind-tugged pieces of loose hair behind my ear, pulling the hood down until it completely covers my face, once he is satisfied that all my features are covered he steps back and looks at me fully, leaving me in a state of confusion.

"Is my hair really that bad?" I joke gesturing to my hidden hazel hair, laughing awkwardly looking at the floor until he grabs my chin delicately and raises until I meet his eyes, his hair shining golden in the sunlight.

"It is nothing to do with your hair, Little Muggle. However, it has everything to do with protection. Right now we are stood before the line of protection I have cast around the woods for protection and solitude from the outside world, think of it as a pocket dimension that only Tilly, you and I are aware of. Once we cross this line you will be exposed to the dangers and uncertainty of the outside world, this is a big risk to take but I know that you need time away from the hideaway, I too know what it's like to be stuck, trapped wanting to be free from the chains of entrapment. So, keep your head down and do not speak to anyone, I didn't save you and go through all of this hassle for you to be killed as soon as we step over this barrier." He spoke softly keeping eye contact with me all the while, he grabbed my hand gave me a once over and crossed the barrier, I closed my eyes tightly scared to open them, to take in my surroundings.

"You can open them now, Elara." Hearing my name spoken on his lips sends sparks of something unknown through my body, forcing me to open my eyes. I'm greeted with a plain brick wall, I must say that it's not quite what I expected to see, I kind of expected people flying around on brooms and moving candy, like a frog or something.

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