Chapter 13- But she's human

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Draco's pov:

"How long do they sleep for?" My mum huffed out.

"I don't know mum, same as us?" I muttered out, careful not to wake the sleeping muggle bundled in my arms, snuggled against my chest for warmth. I look down at the cocoon of green in my arms and smooth my hand down her back over the cloak, ensuring that she is breathing feeling the inhale and exhale of breath beneath my hands, that much crucio is cause for concern.

"Muggles." She scoffed, pulling my attention to my judgmental mother. Of course, I didn't expect her to be completely fine with me caring for anything but pureblood but I did hope she'd respect my decision at least. But I do acknowledge you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

"Mother please, I am only caring for her so that I can study Muggles and see what breaks them easier." The bile rising higher in my throat the more words escape my lips. My own mother looks at me with the look. The knowing look that I'm speaking shit.  Even I know that now I'm just spitting bullshit. Nobody goes through this much trouble for anyone for the sake of an experiment. I certainly wouldn't be carrying her arse miles and miles to our tent. It's not all that fun walking through the woods at the pace of a snail because you can't see the floor over the sleeping bundle and the fact that I'm unarmed, my wand is snugly in my pocket and not in my hand as it should be. 

"Your lying, Draco. I think you forget that I know if your lying. After all, I am your mother. I know you, Draco. But, what I don't know is why you care for such a thing." She gestures to Elara with a scrunched up face as if the very look of her invokes pure disgust. It probably does.

"I don't care," I reply immediately, a scowl now taking shape on my face. 

"Oh, humour me for a second, Draco. " She spoke confidently just like the woman I knew her to be as a child. 

"I had to save her, mum. I couldn't leave her." I spoke softly, staring ahead, scared to see the visible disappointment take ahold of my mother's worn-down features. I hold my muggle tighter to me and wait for whatever angry reply my mother throws at me.

"Why?" She questions simply, shocking me completely my footsteps falter but I continue. 

"I don't- I don't know. I guess I just felt my instincts kick in. It wasn't my choice, I just saved her without thinking about the consequences. I wasn't in my right mind, I risked my life to save her and I can't seem to figure out why. I have never done something so selfless, she thinks I'm some sort of saviour." A humourless laugh escapes me. " She calls me her hero." I scoff. Hero. I haven't got a single heroic feature in my body. I'm Slytherin after all and it doesn't help that I come from a long line of cowards. 

"But she's human, how can you touch her with all the dirty blood running through her veins?"She spoke, confusion clear in her voice. 

"You touched her earlier. You know before you left her." I jeered back.

"She told me to, Draco. Don't be so pathetic. It was a very courageous thing for a muggle to do, that I will agree to. But I believe it was a necessary sacrifice, you have to save pureblood over dirtyblood."

You have to save pureblood over dirtyblood. 

You have to save pureblood over dirtyblood. 

You have to save pureblood over dirtyblood. 

You have to save pureblood over dirtyblood. 

"Mother," I warned, my mind churning and my stomach turning sick. I used to believe this- Hell, I used to voice my opinions like this. I used to be this brainwashed. It sickens me that I used to be like this. I used to voice this shit and believe every word I said to Muggleborns. That I said to Granger.  "They do not have dirty blood. If she has dirty blood then ours is filthy"

"My blood. You are calling my blood filthy? I have been trapped in my own mind for so long all I could picture was seeing you again, but here you are insulting me in the defence of a muggle."

"I'm sorry, mum. But, I can't let you say that stuff. Not anymore. Not when I've seen what they do to muggle-borns in the name of pure-blood supremacy. Compared to what I've seen it probably would have been better to be trapped in your own mind locked away from the horrors that I have seen."

"My, Draco." She gasped and stopped gripping my arm tightly until I turned to her frigid features. 

"What has happened to you? How long have I been gone?"She gasped scanning my features frantically, looking for scars and marks that are hidden under green layers. 

"5 years," I spoke. "You've been gone 5 years." I softly informed her. 

"5-5 years? God, what rank are you now?" I sighed out and looked to the muggle in my arms, desperately avoiding my mother's eyes and wishing the floor would swallow me up. 

"2nd in command. The Dark Lords right-hand man." Her shocked gasp alone broke me, the ripples of her gasped echoed through the dark woods paining me with each reincarnated shocked breath. 

"I'm sorry I was gone for so long."

"So am I." And I meant it. " After you left me I had nothing. No one to keep safe, I think that's why I kept this muggle. I think I needed purpose again, I needed to save her because ultimately I think she saved me. These last few weeks we've barely seen each other. She's always asleep when I come home but I know she's there. She always there doing mundane shit, like reading or cooking with Tilly. But she's there. I know she's there and I'm not alone again. It's better. " 

"Then I owe her even greater gratitude for not just sacrificing herself for me but for saving my sweet boy. I will not pretend that I think her blood like my own but I will try and keep my opinions to myself to show some semblance of respect. Anyone who saves my son earns my respect. Even if it is a dirty muggle."

"Thank you." I look once behind me just in case and then carry on, careful not to wake the injured girl I'm still carrying. 

"I do have to ask though what are we walking to, Draco?"


"And what does home look like to you?"

"A tent." 

" A what?" We stop again.

A short Authors Note:

900! 900 of you guys have tuned in to read my book and all I can say is thank you so much!

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