Chapter 101: The Siblings

Start from the beginning

Katsu wasn't ready to talk about everything. Rather she wanted to forget about it all. That was becoming harder to do with the cause of her trauma constantly sitting on the deck of her crew's ship.

"You hungry?" Zoro asked, standing up and stretching his arms. When Katsu shook her head he nodded his head and responded, "Of course you are. Come on." Not waiting to see if she was following him, Zoro began to walk towards the kitchen.

One perk Zoro had gained from being the unofficial team lead of recovering Katsu was that Sanji couldn't give him shit for any of his demands. He's scored twice as much sake. After all, how could Sanji oppose anything when it seems that when Zoro eats anything they managed to get Katsu to eat.

Perhaps the other perk was being able to push Law out of the way. Due to Katsu's current trauma, the only doctor she's gained some trust towards again is Chopper. Which means Zoro gets to shove Law away every time he approaches the artist out of concern. It helps that he also gets to give Law a guilt trip for his plan that involved the doctor that tortured Katsu as a child.

He really didn't like seeing the two together.

While being a crutch for Katsu was concerning, Zoro was allowing it for the time being. She needed a little more time to heal and become more settled. If she needed to use him as the crutch for the time to heal, then he'd allow it. Of course once she was completely better, mentally and physically, he'd use this to tease her later on. She wasn't going to have the upper hand for long.

"Eh? Lunch time?!" Luffy called, poking his head around to look towards Zoro and Katsu as he saw them nearing the kitchen. "Wait for me!" He pulled up the fishing rod, showcasing a gasping Omasu at the end, and threw it onto the deck. The doctor gasped for breath as he laid on the deck.

Katsu stopped walking to look down at the gasping doctor. She looked back up at Zoro and Luffy, who had stopped walking as soon as she had to look at her. "Ah, I'll be right there. Let me just go grab my sketch book real quick."

Both seemed happy with her response and nodded in agreement before walking into the kitchen. However, Katsu didn't walk towards her room.

She looked down at Omasu, her face becoming void of emotion as she approached him, her hand slipping into her pocket. She approached the doctor with a vile in her hands.

He opened his eyes and looked at the person, only to grin. "Oh-"

"You wouldn't be able to hurt anyone else if you can't see." Katsu mumbled, not looking down at the vile in her hand. "You took so much away from me and a lot of others."

Reaching her hand out she caught his face and opened his mouth. Placing the vile in his mouth and clamped one hand on his mouth and the other slammed his jaw shut breaking the vile.

"I wonder if you'll go numb like I do." She mused, looking down at the doctor as he tried to squirm away. "Oh, don't worry, it shouldn't kill you. You're special. We can't have you dying."


Arms wrapped around the artist and she was dragged away from the doctor, who gasped for air as he tried to spit the liquid out. Most of which was already swallowed, so his efforts were in vain.

"What did you give him?" Chopper shouted as he looked over Omasu.

Katsu recognized the arms that were covered in tattoos. Though she stiffened for a moment, she didn't try to break out of the arms. "You said it causes blindness in some cases."

Chopper frowned, he had given her multiple poisons that did that. Then it finally clicked as to why she was so interested in such things. However, he couldn't find it in him to be mad at her.

While the rest of the crew rushed out at the call of Katsu's name, they were left shocked at the current display.

"It won't kill him." She shook her head, her eyes going down to the ground as they began to burn. Her throat was thick and it was hard to swallow as her heart hurt. "He just won't be able to hurt anyone anymore... I won't get hurt..."

"Chopper. Franky." Luffy called, making the crew look towards the Captain. He felt a rage building inside him as he saw the artist slowly breaking. "Put the bastard down in a cell."

"We don't-"

"Build it."

Nobody questioned Luffy's orders. Instead Franky left to go do so and Chopper began to look over the doctor. Law looked down at Katsu, unsure how to react. He had never seen the artist behave this way.

He already had guilt from bringing Omasu, but now it's doubled. He never felt guilty for any of his plans before. Sure, Zoro was laying the guilt on thick, but even then Law just wasn't sure why it was actually sticking to him. Law backed up from Katsu as Robin and Nami approached her. His gaze turned towards the swordsman, who narrowed his opened eye at Law before opening the kitchen door to lead Katsu and the others inside.


End of Chapter 101!

Hey guys! I've been a bit busy with things lately, so I apologize for the lack of updates! I'm hoping to clear up some time to be able to get back onto a weekly schedule.

How'd ya'll like the chapter? I'll be honest here, I didn't plan for Katsu to poison Omasu... It just happened. However, I'm quite pleased with it personally. Oh! Let's not forget the brothers! Ya'll finally now know, officially, that Makoto has been working with the Revolutionary Army! Meanwhile, I've spread some light on Katsu and Sato's family. They seem great, right? Poor guy is going to be there for a while... I likely won't be giving you anything else from him for a while, but we'll see some more of Makoto!

To  help give me some motivation, and to chance giving ya'll some power towards the story, I decided why not have a little competition? I've counted the total word count, up to chapter 100, fillers included.  Whoever gets the closest number to the total word count for the first 100 chapters will either get to make an OC with me that they'd like to add into this story. Or, if you're not interested in that, you can pick a new filler series I can make to focus on. This competition will end when I post the next chapter!

This is not edited.

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